guinea pig vs rabbit

Which Is Best For Your Child: A Guinea Pig Or Rabbit?

Little Emma has always dreamed of having an animal to care for. However, her parents wanted to ensure she was […]

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guinea pig vs rabbit

Little Emma has always dreamed of having an animal to care for. However, her parents wanted to ensure she was responsible enough to manage her pet.

So, she had to prove to her parents and herself that she was accountable for her actions by doing chores (sometimes extra), finishing her homework on time, and maybe even cooking a meal or two.

After months of proving herself to her parents, she is finally ready to get a pet! But first, her parents must decide which small pet is the best fit for their child and why getting it would be a good idea.

Given that this is a similar circumstance between you and your child, you might be wondering what is a great first pet for them and have narrowed it down to two animals: a rabbit and a guinea pig, but which one is better for your child and why?

Although both animals are excellent choices as first-time pets for children, there are things to consider, such as how much space they will need, what their temper is like, which one is more active, and how much they both cost.

Knowing these things is important so your children can do what is right for your pet. This article will discuss that and much more. We encourage you to continue reading to learn about rabbits and guinea pigs and what best suits you and your household (or child).

guinea pig vs rabbit

What Is The Difference Between A Rabbit And Guinea Pig?


There are many differences between a rabbit and a guinea pig. We will go over them a bit further down below:


1. Features


The features of a rabbit and guinea pig look different. A rabbit, for example, has long ears and highly soft fur, whereas guinea pigs have tiny ears and much less dense fur, making the texture less plush.

In addition, rabbits have strong hind legs and a short, fluffy tail, whereas a guinea pig has short legs, a stout body, and a short tail. Lastly, guinea pigs are considered rodents, whereas rabbits are considered mammals.


2. Lifespan


The lifespan of a rabbit and guinea pig are massively different, but it entirely depends on the animal you are getting. For example, smaller rabbits live a much longer lifespan than larger rabbits. Here is a breakdown of how long each rabbit lives:


  • Giant breeds (11 to 20 pounds): 5 to 8 years old
  • Standard breeds (5 to 12 pounds): 6 to 10 years old
  • Dwarf breeds (1.5 to 5 pounds): 7 to 14 years


On the other hand, guinea pigs have an average lifespan of 5 to 7 years, but if they are taken care of properly, they can live up to 10 years old!


3. Behavior


Guinea pigs are more docile than rabbits, meaning they are more submissive, whereas rabbits are more playful and energetic. Also, guinea pigs enjoy a lot of social interaction with humans and other cavies, whereas rabbits can be more independent.

Guinea pigs are less likely to chew electronic chords, whereas rabbits will gladly do so. If you choose a rabbit as a furry friend for your home and want to let them roam around the house, it is imperative to protect any chords lying about, especially if you unplug them from the sockets if they are not in use.


4. Handling


Rabbits and guinea pigs are different when it comes to handling them as well. For example, guinea pigs love to be held and cuddled, especially when you pick them up correctly.

On the other hand, rabbits do not care for cuddling as much but love to be petted and groomed. They will become skittish and bite if you do not handle them appropriately, whereas guinea pigs are less likely to bite due to their gentle nature.


5. Diet


The biggest difference between a guinea pig’s and a rabbit’s diet is the need for vitamin C. While rabbits can integrate their vitamin C, guinea pigs cannot, so they need special pellets and food to get it into their system.


6. Housing


Both animals need a lot of space, which we will go over below, but rabbits need more of a hutch, whereas guinea pigs are perfectly happy having their entire cage on the ground. It is unnecessary, but it is ideal because they are grazing animals. On the other hand, rabbits require a lot of space to roam around, especially since they need the space for exercise.

guinea pig vs rabbit

Are There Any Similarities Between A Rabbit And Guinea Pig?


In addition to the differences between a guinea pig and a rabbit, there are also many similarities! For example, in terms of their appearance, both animals have large eyes, making them distinctive.


1. Diet


Another excellent similarity between the two animals is their diet. Both are herbivores, meaning they only feed on plants.

Although both animals require different pellets due to guinea pigs lacking vitamin C, both animals need fresh hay. Whether it be Timothy hay, alfalfa hay, orchard hay, oat hay, etc., it is wise to provide them with enough hay to last all day. This is because both teeth continuously grow, allowing their digestive systems to work correctly.

Lastly, bunnies and guinea pigs need fresh vegetables daily. They can also have some fruit on occasion. Both animals can eat kale, carrot greens, bell peppers, parsley, mustard greens, clover, etc. They can also have apples, bananas, oranges, pears, kiwis, etc.


2. Housing


Both animals need plenty of space to roam around in. Essentially, the bigger the enclosure, the better it is for your rabbit or guinea pig. They will be much happier than being in a cage where they can hardly stretch their legs.

If you are getting another companion for your rabbit or guinea pig, ensure it is big enough for both. According to the Humane Society, the minimum requirement for two guinea pigs is 7.5 square feet, but 10.5 is preferred, and a rabbit requires 12 square feet at minimum.


3. Socialization


A rabbit and a guinea pig require lots of socialization, which is best done when they have at least one more companion. This is preferably done when you buy them initially so they can grow together and be less territorial as time goes on.

Suppose you want to add another guinea pig or rabbit to your lifestyle mix when your first guinea pig is a little older. In that case, you might deal with territorial issues and will have to introduce them to each other slowly but surely.

An excellent way to do that is to get another cage and place them beside each other. If you cannot do that or have created your DIY enclosure, add a plexiglass window next to each other so they can see what one another is doing.


When Are Rabbits And Guinea Pigs Most Active?


Guinea pigs are crepuscular, meaning they are most active between dawn and dusk, the cooler times of the day. These animals are awake roughly 20 hours a day and take little naps throughout the day and nighttime. This means they will probably not make much noise at night unless they squeak at you, saying they are hungry.

Rabbits are also considered crepuscular. They are most active in the early morning, night, and dusk. They are reticent during the daytime, especially from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Mornings and evenings are the best times to play with both of these animals, so give them plenty of exercise!


How Much Do Rabbits And Guinea Pigs Eat?


Since guinea pigs are smaller than rabbits, they will innately eat much less than them, which works in your favor if you are on a budget! Adult guinea pigs only need 1/8 cup of vitamin C-rich pellets daily and only one cup of fresh fruit and vegetables daily, which can be divided into two portions throughout the day. As you already know, they can endless amounts of fresh hay.

Regarding your rabbit, they need only about 1/8 cup for rabbits up to 5 pounds and 1/4 cup of pellets for rabbits up to 10 pounds daily while being provided with 1 to 3 cups of fresh, leafy greens daily. Like guinea pigs, you can give your rabbit plenty of hay to munch on throughout the day.

guinea pig vs rabbit

Rabbit Owner Pros And Cons


As with everything in life, there are pros and cons to owning a rabbit. Here is a quick breakdown of the pros and cons you might experience for owning a rabbit:


Pros Cons
Low-maintenance  House training may take a while
Gentle, quiet and affectionate Rabbits are prone to chewing things
Long lifespan Fragile animals and may easily get hurt
Social with people and other animals Dental requirements (due to teeth growing continuously)
Fun and interesting animals Require a specific diet to maintain good health


Guinea Pig Owner Pros And Cons


Guinea pigs are similar in terms of pros and cons. We have created a nice and easy chart for you to look at and save for future reference:


Pros Cons
Loving and affectionate Although low maintenance requires lots of time commitment (cleaning cage, grooming, feeding, social interaction, etc.)
Very social and thrives in pairs or small groups Requires specific dietary needs (vitamin C pellets, cut-up fresh fruit & veggies, etc.)
Quiet and clean (self-grooms & is easy to litter train) Can be costly with medical expenses (prone to respiratory & dental problems)
Low maintenance  It has a smaller lifespan than other animals


Tips For Owning A Rabbit


Here, we will discuss some tips for owning a rabbit. These are important to have on hand to help you have a successful relationship with your rabbit.


1. Groom Them Regularly


A rabbit’s fur can get all over the place, especially during shedding season! Because of this, it is imperative to groom their fur regularly. Some people turn rabbit fur into yarn, which they then turn into beautiful coats, slippers, bags, etc.


2. Provide Plenty Of Attention And Affection


Although rabbits like their independence, they still need love and affection! If your rabbit allows you to do so, petting and properly holding it is an excellent way to do this!

It is important never to force yourself on your animal, as this will make them wary of you. When you initially get your rabbit, give them ample time to get used to you to ensure a bond is formed.


3. Change Up The Environment Once In A While


Rabbits can get bored of the same environment after a while. If this is the case, make sure you change the environment occasionally and introduce new items that you know they will love! This could be anywhere from getting a new house, a bed mat, or toys for your bunny to play with.


4. Every Rabbit Has Their Own Personality, So Be Patient


All rabbits are different, so whether you have had one in the past or you are new to owning a rabbit, it will take time to get to know their personalities and what they like and dislike. For example, some rabbits you own might like to be petted whereas others may not care for it as much. On the other hand, maybe that rabbit who does not want any cuddles might be more energetic than the other one!


5. Provide Appropriate Toys


Not all toys are made for rabbits, so it is imperative to provide appropriate toys. This can be easily said and done by purchasing a 20-piece bunny chew toy or making your own with toilet paper rolls, cardboard, or egg cartons.


Tips For Owning A Guinea Pig


In addition to tips for owning a rabbit, we will discuss some tips for owning a guinea pig next. Although they may be similar in other areas, they are not so similar in others and have different needs.


1. Create A Fun And Large Enclosure


As mentioned above, guinea pigs are grazing animals that need plenty of space to roam around. The bigger the cage, the better they have it! Also, providing your guinea pig with plenty of hiding spaces is essential as they get scared easily, specifically if a loud noise occurs.


2. Hold Them Properly


Picking your guinea pig up by their backs is not the best way for your guinea pig to feel safe. If you wish to pick them up, scoop them by their bellies first and hold them like you would a ball with the other hand. Doing so helps your guinea pig feel secure and will help them trust you more.


3. Provide Lots Of Love And Affection


Guinea pigs love to cuddle, so ensure you give them enough love and affection! If you do not necessarily want to pick them up right away, make sure to find time to pet and talk to them. It could be something as simple as talking about how your day way or telling them how great of a pet they are.


4. Offer Lots Of Enrichment And Toys


Just like rabbits need plenty of stimulation, guinea pigs love to play and be stimulated. This could be something as simple as taking them outside in a playpen and letting them roam around or changing their environment to something different.


Should You Get Either Animal If You Already Have A Dog Or Cat?


If you already have a dog or cat, getting a rabbit or guinea pig might not be the best option. However, if you still choose to get one or the other, ensure the dog or cat remains away from your tiny furry friend.

Guinea pigs, especially, are considered prey to cats. Think about this: if a feral cat can catch a squirrel and eat the entire thing alone in one day, consider them a threat to your guinea pig.

On the other hand, although rabbits can defend themselves from a cat with their big feet, it does not mean they will not be harmed. Plus, dogs might think of them as a chew toy or something like that.

This does not necessarily mean you cannot introduce each animal to the other, but it is imperative to keep your tiny animals safe from the bigger animals before anything happens!

guinea pig vs rabbit

Which Small Pet Is Best For Your Child?


Now that we have gone over many of the basics, ask yourself: Which small pet is best for your child to take care of? You also have to consider that they will need to take care of their cages, feed them, and make sure each animal is well groomed and entertained. We wish you the best in your child’s first animal and hope it is successful!

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