
Can Rabbits Play with Toilet Paper? We Find Out

Figuring out how to entertain a tiny rodent friend such as a bunny can be easy but challenging, depending on […]

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Figuring out how to entertain a tiny rodent friend such as a bunny can be easy but challenging, depending on how many toys and stimulation you provide.

In this case, you may wonder if rabbits can play with toilet paper. If not, what other affordable method can you use? These are all excellent questions to ask yourself, especially if you are on a budget or want to save money.

To answer the question quickly, yes, rabbits can indeed play with toilet paper, but in moderation. Playing with too much toilet paper can cause digestive issues, especially if they overeat it.

However, eating a bit should be fine, especially if you provide your rabbit with a healthy diet. It is also imperative to ensure the toilet paper does not contain fragrances or dyes.

Today, we will discuss further details on whether or not you can provide your rabbit toilet paper to play with. Alternatively, we will consult whether there is any unsafe cardboard your rabbit should or should not chew on and what kind of rabbit toys you can create with toilet paper rolls. If these subjects interest you, we recommend that you continue reading.

rabbit / bunny

Can You Give Your Rabbit Toilet Paper?


Yes, you can give your rabbits toilet paper, which provides plenty of stimulation! However, keeping a few things in mind while you do so is imperative.


1. Monitor Toilet Paper Intake


First, you must monitor how much toilet paper they put into their bodies. For example, if you notice your bunny is overeating on toilet paper, it can cause a blockage in their digestive system, and they can get sick. This is why having a proper diet for your rabbit is imperative.

Rabbits need a lot of fiber to digest their food intake properly. Although toilet paper contains a small amount of fiber, it cannot sustain a rabbit’s dietary needs. Your bunny’s diet should consist primarily of Timothy hay, fresh vegetables, pellets, and fresh fruit (in moderation).


2. Watch Out for Dyes


In addition, some toilet papers are made with dyes, which can cause many health concerns for your rabbits, including, but not limited to, liver problems, digestive upset, and even death. If you do not know that a product contains dyes, then it is crucial to avoid it altogether.

Here are some other reasons why dyes are horrible for your rabbit:


  • Allergic reactions: Like humans, rabbits, who are much smaller, can be allergic to artificial dyes. Synthetic dyes can cause sneezing, respiratory issues, or itching.


  • Kidney or liver damage:  Some dyes are toxic to the liver or can damage the kidneys. This could lead to liver or kidney failure or damage.


  • Digestive problems: Dyes can irritate the digestive system and cause problems, including digestive vomiting.


3. Watch Out for Fragrances


In addition to dyes, fragrances can also cause health problems for your rabbit. Aside from using fragrant toilet paper, it is crucial to evade anything containing fragrance.

For example, never clean out your bunnies’ cage using cleaning products that are not safe for them. Also, avoid air fresheners, scented litter, or other fragrance products.

Here are some concerns your rabbit may experience if you use fragrance around them:


  • Skin issues: Fragrance can cause multiple skin irritants, including hair loss, itching, or skin rashes.


  • Toxicity: Some fragrances contain toxic chemicals that can cause significant health issues or even lead to death.


  • Respiratory troubles: Inhaling fragrance can sometimes feel like choking the air out of you. In rabbits, this may lead to coughing, sneezing, breathing difficulty, and overall respiratory system irritation.

rabbit / bunny

Can Rabbits Chew on Other Types of Paper?


Aside from toilet paper, rabbits can chew on other paper types. However, it is imperative to ensure they are getting the right type; otherwise, they can get sick. For example, if your rabbit chews on colored, waxed, coated, or printed paper, they can be difficult to digest or cause harm to their bodies. Not only this, but some papers contain toxic chemicals.

On the other hand, consider giving your rabbit plain paper or newspaper without any advertisements or colored sections to ensure it remains safe for them. Providing various activities and toys (even if you create them yourself) is essential to keep them entertained.


Can Rabbits Chew on Toilet Paper Rolls?


Yes, rabbits can indeed chew on toilet paper rolls. Suppose you do not wish to constantly provide your rabbit with toilet paper. In that case, another alternative is providing them with toilet paper rolls.

Make it into a game by stuffing some Timothy or orchard hay into them and adding a bit of peanut butter that does not contain added salt, sugars, or oils. In addition, make sure the toilet paper rolls are not dyed, scented, or containing glue.

toilet paper roll

What Type of Bunny Toys Can You Make From Toilet Paper Rolls?


There are many rabbit toys you can make from toilet paper rolls! Please note that you should avoid using markers, paints, and unsafe decorations for rabbits. Also, ensure you monitor your rabbits while they play with these toys and provide enough variety for them to be entertained long enough!

Here is a list of bunny toys that you can make with toilet paper rolls:


1. Tug of War Toys


An easy way to play with your bunny is to add a string to the middle of the rope and play tug-of-war with it.


2. Hide-and-Seek Toys


Hide their favorite treat inside the toilet paper roll and let them play hide-and-seek. Another alternative may be to cut the toilet paper roll into a few pieces and hide them around the cage for them to find.


3. Create a Twig Tree Bunny Toy


This creative toy is made from a toilet paper roll and willow sticks, which you can find at your local store. You can also use other bunny-safe sticks like apple, hazel, or aspen.

You poke holes throughout the toilet paper roll with a sharpened pencil and insert a stick from one end to the other. Repeat this process until it resembles a Wing Chun dummy. This makes an excellent, low-cost toy that uses willow sticks!


4. Hanging Hay Toy


Instead of simply putting hay into the toilet paper roll and calling it a day, consider making some hanging down from the ceiling of their enclosure. This will last several days or even weeks, if you are lucky, and will provide your rabbit with plenty of stimulation!

All you need to do is punch a hole in the middle of the roll with a hole puncher or sharpened pencil, add hay, and hang the entire thing on a string. Simple yet effective!  


What Other Cardboard Can Your Rabbit Chew On? 


There are more than plenty of different cardboard options that your rabbit can chew on. Here are a few suggestions you can use below:


  • Egg cartons: You can create a simple yet effective foraging activity for your bunny to enjoy!


  • Plain cardboard: All of those delivery packages you get from your favorite online store can be turned into a play toy for your rabbit. Get creative with what you can do with them!


  • Other cardboard tubes: Paper towel rolls also create an excellent alternative to toilet paper rolls.


What Toys Are Unsafe for Your Rabbit to Have?


Aside from the safe toys mentioned above, some are unsafe for your rabbit to have or chew on. Here are some listed down below:


  • Toys that make loud noises: Rabbits need quiet, or else they will be stressed out and in distress. Ensure that whatever toy you give your furry friend does not cause a commotion.


  • Toys with strings or cords: Although we mentioned using string on some toys above, it is imperative to steer away from long pieces of string or cords. Rabbits can get entangled or stuck in them, leading to severe injuries.


  • No toys with toxic material: Any toys containing lead or non-BPA (toxic plastic material) can cause severe injury or even death to your bunny.


  • Heavy or large toys: A rabbit is not super strong like a large dog, for example. Because of this, we recommend steering away from any heavy or oversized toys that can potentially fall on your rabbit.


  • Toys with sharp edges or tiny parts: Tiny parts can accidentally be swallowed by your rabbit, potentially causing a choking hazard or digestive issues. In addition, any sharp objects must be kept away due to the potential harm they can cause to their eyes or skin.




To summarize everything, rabbits can play with toilet paper, but within reason. It is wise to ensure that this is not the only toy that they play with. Also, get creative with how they play with any toys you offer them, especially if you are on a budget or searching for budget-friendly ways to keep your fur baby entertained! We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have more questions regarding rabbits, we highly recommend searching our website for useful tips and tricks!

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