Bringing a bird into your home is not for everyone, but with their cheerful songs and beautiful appearance, many bird lovers have come to admire parakeets beyond comparison. Still, if you have never owned a parakeet before, you should know what type of noise level they bring into your home.
Parakeets are known to be one of the loudest birds that you can bring into your home as a pet. They range in vocal sounds between cheerful singing to loud shrieking depending on their level of happiness and any need for attention. Fortunately, parakeets are diurnal and are only loud during the day.
With this in mind, there are certainly noticeable components that can lead a parakeet to be more calm and quiet compared to the loud shrieking that this bird would let off during any experience of perceived fear. With that said, it is important that you are comfortable with a constant noise coming from your bird as attempting to hinder your pet could lead to its harm. Let’s take a closer look.
Why are Parakeets So Loud?
Parakeets have sparkling personalities and enough charm to win over many avid bird lovers. However, if you are new to owning a pet- especially if you are new to owning a bird as a pet- then you need to consider how this type of animal will fit well into your home and lifestyle. Choosing to bring any pet into your home requires dedication and a good fit for both parties (you and the animal).
When it comes to a parakeet, you may find that their noise level is higher than you expected. They are pretty constantly singing during the day but may shriek louder as a call for attention such as if they need your care, food, water, if they are bored, or if something more serious is happening.
Of course, the near-constant noise by this type of pet can be quite cumbersome to get used to- or to ask your roommates to get used to if not everyone is on board with keeping this pet in the home. Still, they can be worth it if you are comfortable with the background noise- you just need to know what you are preparing yourself for here.
After all, it is unfair to think that the parakeet will remain quiet in your home or that you can train your pet to absolutely never make noise. This simply goes against your bird’s instincts, both for protection as well as for meeting its social needs. So, while we will take a closer look later on at how you can help your parakeet to be a little quieter, it is not ok to assume that you will be able to cut it off completely from cheerful song or even louder shrieking.
Parakeets like to Chatter/Sing, Especially while Mating
Still, it is important to pay attention to the cues that your bird is giving you as to why it might be making so much noise. For example, you may find that your parakeet simply likes to chatter or sing all day long. This is relatively normal for this pet, and you may see a heightened experience of this if you have a male that is calling out for a mate.
Parakeets are Social
Along with this, you might see your parakeet making noise because it is attempting to be social. While it is not required to keep more than one parakeet, many find that having more than one parakeet in your home can be helpful for the bird’s socialization and companionship. And, while you might be thinking that this would just add to the noise, it can actually help as your birds would be able to meet each other’s social needs better than your limited attention. Of course, this just depends on the particular pets that are in your home.
Your Parakeet Wants Your Attention
Another reason that your parakeet might be making so much noise is if they are looking for your attention. This could be relatively simple like your bird calling you over to come to socialize. You may find that your bird becomes especially vocal when his or her access to water and food is beginning to run low, so your parakeet might be loudly making you aware of his or her needs this way.
Your Parakeet is Bored
Interestingly, your parakeet might be making quite a commotion because he or she is bored. Parakeets require mental stimulation that can come from having toys in their enclosure. In the wild, birds do not require mental stimulation in this way because it is provided in their hunt for food, shelter, etc. However, in a domestic situation, the bird does not have to think about these things, so it needs to find mental stimulation elsewhere.

Truly, if you are finding that your parakeet is becoming bored, this does not mean that you have to give up everything that you are doing to resolve its issues. However, by providing new and exciting toys and rotating them in and out of your parakeet’s enclosure, you can help to alleviate its boredom in this way.
Your Parakeet May Perceive a Threat
Finally, if your parakeet is shrieking loudly and consistently, this could mean that he or she is experiencing a health concern or that there is a perceived (or actual) threat causing your bird to feel unsafe. Regardless of if you notice a real threat to your parakeet or not, this does not mean that the bird feels the same way.
Because of this, it is important to pay attention to any clues that could be the root of your parakeet’s behavioral concerns. This could even come from changing locations such as being rehomed from one place to another- whether this was a move that you made from one home to another or your pet is being moved from where you purchased him or her to your new home.
Either way, it is important to pay attention to loud shrieking that seems like it would be above average as this typically comes from a more serious concern. You can speak with your parakeet’s veterinarian if you are seeing major concerns like this, as they should be able to help you dig to the root of the issue.

Are Parakeets Loud at Night?
Knowing that parakeets make so much noise, you might be curious as to how this will impact your home life. For example, you might be ok with this happening during the day while you are away at work and your children are at school, or you might have a room that your parakeet can stay in that the noise produced will not be overly distracting. But, what about when you are trying to sleep at night- will your parakeet wake you then?
Fortunately for pet owners, parakeets are diurnal which means they follow the same sleeping pattern as most humans. They will carry out their activities (including consistent chatter and singing) throughout the day, and then they will rest at night- not known to make much noise at all then.
This is typically the saving grace when it comes to having birds in your house. If you are someone who appreciates and thrives off of a good night’s rest (who doesn’t?), then it will be important to recognize that parakeets are not typically going to throw this off and will remain quiet in the evenings for the most part.
Now, your parakeet could wake throughout the night and chatter a little bit before returning to rest. Or, you may find that your parakeet acts like a child that calls out for water in the middle of the night. However, as long as you act preventatively and make sure that your parakeet always has access to water (and food), then this would not become an issue during your night’s rest.
So, yes, while your parakeet is likely to make a pretty considerable amount of noise during the day, you should not have to worry about your bird waking you up at night. Its diurnal trait will take care of this for you- especially if you keep your pet pretty active with toys and social interaction throughout the day.
How Can I Quiet my Parakeet?
Now, if you have come to researching typical parakeet noise levels because you feel like yours might be making noise that is well above average, then you could be considering methods of training your pet to be a bit less obtrusive. However, it is incredibly important to consider that it is completely natural for a parakeet to make a good amount of noise.
With that said, you can quiet your parakeet through safe measures, but never harm the bird (including depriving of basic needs or attempting to “train” your bird out of its natural chattering behavior). Instead, you can use a night cover over their cage and provide games and interaction during the day.
For anyone who has never owned a bird before, they might not be aware of the noise level that this can bring into your home. However, as stated, it is incredibly important to recognize that this is just part of what owning a parakeet entails.
So, while you should never attempt to train your bird to be quiet (such as by using a squirt bottle or another method), you can help with preventive measures that make your bird feel more comfortable and, consequently, less likely to shriek loudly for attention.
To do this, you will want to pay attention to your parakeet’s needs and anticipate what he or she could “call” for. Using a night cover for their cage can help to keep your bird resting throughout the night and more in line with his or her diurnal nature.

Additionally, through the provision of mental stimulation (like a good amount of toys), socialization (with you and other birds, depending on your situation), and your bird’s basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc.), you can rest assured that your bird should have a more calm and safe environment leading to less shrieking and more calmness in your home.