dwarf hamster

What Hamsters Can Live Together?

When looking into having a small animal, one of the biggest questions you might be asking yourself is if they […]

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dwarf hamster

When looking into having a small animal, one of the biggest questions you might be asking yourself is if they are social and friendly towards one another or if they will be highly aggressive and things will not end well on your part. In this case, you might wonder what kind of hamsters can live together. We were too, which got us thinking, why not answer this question for you?

The only hamsters that can live together are Dwarf hamsters. However, these hamsters are very territorial and need plenty of room. If they are in an enclosed space without room, they may become stressed, leading to aggression, sickness, or both.

This article discusses all you need to know about hamsters living together. We will go through many commonly asked questions, like how can you help hamsters live together, if you can put a new hamster with one you already have had, and if two hamsters of the same liter can live together.

These questions are essential if you are considering getting a hamster or two to have as a little fur baby. At Little Pet Corner, we strive for accuracy, so continue reading for more information.

dwarf hamster

What Type of Hamsters Can Live Together?


As mentioned above, Dwarf hamsters can live together, but you must ensure plenty of space for them to have adequate space to roam freely. Also, consider multiple food and water resources and other places where your hamster can seek refuge, like an igloo, hiding box, and wooden hamster homes.


How to Successfully Let Hamsters Live Together in Harmony?


There are many ways you can successfully let Dwarf hamsters live together well. They are as follows:


  • Having a big enough cage
  • Knowing the genders
  • Young introduction
  • Observing their behavior


1. Keep a Big Enough Cage


The first thing you want to do is ensure the cage is big enough for two hamsters. A cage for two Dwarf hamsters should be at least 24 inches long by 12 inches wide by 12 inches high. This provides a minimum of 2.5 square feet of floor space, the recommended amount.

Also, if you have a larger cage than this (with 3 to 4 square feet or more), it will be better, as the Dwarf hamsters can freely move around without feeling bothered. Ensure you have a solid bottom for the cage to create plenty of room for enrichment, tunnels, nesting areas, hides, etc. It is also wise to ensure proper ventilation for your hamsters.


2. Make Sure You Know the Genders


The last thing you want is for your hamsters to create more babies! This step is one of the most critical ones you should take before even considering getting a hamster. Ensure you ask an associate first how to tell the gender apart. However, we will review more of this type of information below.


3. Introduce Them While They Are Young


If a hamster is introduced at a young age, odds are they will most likely get along better than if you were to introduce a new one to an old one. This is because they can grow accustomed to each other more quickly than if the one you have had for six months to a year were being presented to someone new. They might start fighting, and they could easily hurt one another.


4. Keep Food & Water Separate


Having separate places where your hamsters will eat and drink their food is essential. Also, consider providing them plenty of sleeping spaces so the two hamsters do not get in each other’s way and can have ample space.


5. Keep an Eye on the Hamster’s Behavior


Make sure you monitor your hamster’s behavior every day. For example, if you clean the cage out and your hamster is stressed due to the environmental change or if something disturbs them, like a loud noise, your hamster may become stressed and wind up fighting or showing aggression. Also, make sure to see if any blood was drawn. If that is the case, then the odds are one is picking at the other, and it is time to separate them.

Other instances may include one hamster preventing the other from accessing their food and water, one constantly chasing or harassing the other, and similar behaviors. In this case, put the offending hamster in a separate cage and reintroduce them after a week. Another option is reintroducing the two hamsters on neutral grounds before returning them to their cage.

After the reintroduction, watching them closely for a few hours is imperative. If they still do not get along after being separated, then it is time to consider separating them permanently. Although these things happen, watch their health, as the fighting can cause extreme discomfort. In these cases, it is essential to keep them separated for their safety.

Can Any Species of Hamsters Live Together?


No, you cannot put any species of hamsters together except Dwarf hamsters (consider getting Winter Whites or Roborovskis.) For instance, if you place a Syrian or Chinese hamster with another one of their species, they will become highly stressed out and eventually attack each other.

This is because they will feel like they are competing to get food and shelter and feel overcrowded. Something else to consider is never to put a hamster of one species with another. For example, never put a Dwarf hamster with a Syrian hamster.

Some people may not accept this answer; however, if you put yourself in their shoes, you will understand better. For reference, if you put hamsters in the same enclosure as one another, it is like someone forcing you into a tiny home with a person you highly dislike and not allowing you to leave for any reason. In a hamster’s case, they are stuck in their cages until you take them out.  


Can You Put Two Hamsters in the Same Room with Different Cages?


No, it is highly unwise to do this, as even two separate cages will stress your hamster out. Hamsters use different pheromones to communicate with each other. Because of this, hamsters can smell each other, leading them not to be very happy.

This is especially true if one hamster in one cage is a male and the other a female. During mating season, the females produce a potent pheromone that will frustrate males. Two males housed together will also start marking their territory, causing the other hamster to become stressed out.

On the contrary, if you want more than one hamster, it might be wise to put one in one room and another elsewhere. This will cause your hamsters to be more relaxed. However, since hamsters have sensitive hearing, it would be wise to keep them both in a quiet place away from all the noise.


Which Hamster Pairings Are Best?


It is essential to avoid any unwanted liters to happen, so pairing hamsters with the same sex is extremely important. Males have more squabbles, so carefully monitor your hamsters, as you may need to separate them later. Having two female hamsters can live together in theory, but as mentioned above, a hamster is more than happy to live by itself. Plus, you must provide almost double everything so they can live well together.


How to Tell if a Hamster is Male or Female


If you are still determining whether a hamster is male or female, visit a reputable pet shop or retailer. However, if you are still weary, we recommend carefully checking the bottom of their bodies. If you notice nipples, then the hamster is female.

Another way to see is their private parts. For males, the genital opening and anus space are usually twice as long, and females’ genitals appear to be side-by-side, or hardly any distance between those areas.


Can I Put a New Hamster With My Old One?


It is unwise to put a new hamster with your old one. This is because your old one is “set in its ways,” so to speak, which would cause more stress and discomfort. Plus, the new hamster would want to explore, and eventually, the two hamsters will fight for the territory.

However, if you put two hamsters together, it is best to do this while they are still young, as this increases the chances of them getting along.


Last Thought


To summarize everything, it is unwise to put hamsters together. Although many animals are highly social, like guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, and cats, this does not necessarily mean all animals are. Remember that hamsters are very territorial, so if you choose this route, monitor them closely and provide them with a lot of space, food, and water.

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