
What Are The Best Hamster Bedding Products?

Hamsters are cute, adorable, and entertaining to watch! It is no wonder they are a worldwide favorite pet for many […]

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Hamsters are cute, adorable, and entertaining to watch! It is no wonder they are a worldwide favorite pet for many people. When getting a hamster, it is essential to find the best, especially for your budget! So, what are the best hamster beddings to invest in? We find out down below.

The best bedding products traditionally hit the following points: price, accessibility, comfort, and ease of access when it comes time to clean your hamster cage. Finding a product that adheres to all of those points can be a chore, but rest assured, you will have a fantastic understanding of what product will work best for you by the end of this article.

Owning a pet means you typically want to get the greatest products, toys, and scenery to give your adorable friend a happy and meaningful life. As we all know, it is a vital aspect of everyone and everything’s life, so getting the best bedding for your hamster will come just as naturally as shopping for yourself.

This article discusses which hamster bedding is the best for your little one. Also, we will review what different types of bedding a hamster can use. This is important because some bedding is not safe for them.

Going over the safety aspect will help you better understand how to help your hamster live a better lifestyle. Without further ado, let’s continue reading below.


What Different Types Of Bedding Can A Hamster Use?


Contrary to what newer hamster owners might believe, there are quite a few different bedding types that you can use. Each brings something slightly different, depending on your specific needs. Thankfully, quite a few of them are extremely affordable despite the innate utility they bring to the table.

It’s worth noting before moving on that certain hamster breeds might prefer specific types of bedding and may be uncomfortable or unsafe with other variants. If you haven’t purchased or gotten your pet yet, do a little extra research on your pet’s specific needs before shopping to guarantee you and your new fluffy friend have the best start possible!


1. Hemp Bedding


Hemp is an extremely versatile material. From its use in construction to simple gardening and other miscellaneous needs, it’s one of the most flexible plants on earth, so using it as bedding is rather unsurprising in the grand scheme of things.

However, hemp is incredibly comfortable and safe for your hamster as bedding. Most of the packaged brands you can obtain barely cost more than twenty dollars at most (depending largely on the amount you are buying, of course).

Another feather in hemp bedding’s cap is its ease of cleaning and ability to be relatively absorbent of unexpected messes, be they water spillage or accidental bathroom visits. Hemp has your hamster covered but not matted.

Being mindful of both pros and cons, however, hemp bedding does have one quality that detracts ever so slightly from its utility, and that is its inability to hold burrows safely or properly. If you were trying to encourage this behavior in a new hamster or facilitate it for one that does it already, hemp may not be the best choice for you in that regard.


2. Paper-based Bedding


Following suit, we have paper-based bedding, which doesn’t exactly need a wide explanation as to what it is. What you should be wary of is understanding that while it is largely made of paper, this can have some drawbacks depending on the brand you decide to go with.

Firstly, you’ll want to avoid any and all products that offer scents to mask odors from your hamster. Depending on how long they are exposed, these products can be toxic or dangerous to your hamster, triggering allergies, sneezes, or lung irritation.

In most cases, you’ll find that paper-based bedding is blended alongside other compatible materials to make a mesh of several different types. In truth, paper-based bedding acts more as a filler to use in conjunction with other bedding materials to achieve a certain composite as opposed to being a one-and-done product.

Once again, in the spirit of honesty, paper-based bedding will be slightly more prone to adhering to your hamster after they go to the restroom or if anything happens, so routine inspections of your pet and the cage are mandatory should you go with this bedding.


3. Aspen Shavings


If you were looking for a bit higher-quality bedding, then you might want to consider going with Aspen shavings. If the price tag alone didn’t merit their quality, then the understanding that they need to be replaced constantly will surely allow you and your wallet to know you are dealing with something that has a bit more refinement.

Aspen shavings are much like pine shavings, but they do have a natural scent that some people find to be more favorable than that of pine, which actively combats natural hamster odors without the potential risk of poisoning that manufactured beddings that have artificial scents.

One of the drawbacks to utilizing aspen shavings, however, is obviously the price tag to begin with. You’ll also be replacing them far more often, meaning that price overhead will keep going up as time goes on. Like all shaving-based bedding, it can become rather messy in the long run, but these are sacrifices that some are willing to make.


3. Timothy Hay


Timothy hay brings a more ergonomic sense to the bedding list by understanding that it is relatively cheap, easily procured, and easier to replace. However, the give and take is that it is not nearly as comfortable as other hays and bedding materials. If you are low on funds and need some options, then Timothy Hay will definitely get you and your hamster taken care of.

Admittedly, Timothy hay is precisely what it is marketed as: a price-fitting product. It’s definitely not something you should go with assuming you have spare finances available for other products, as it’s better used as a type of feed than bedding, but if times are tough, it will obviously get the job done.

Regarding safety, you’ll want to be mindful of how long you utilize Timothy hay, even if it is all you can afford. The edges along the cuts are typically very sharp and can often lead to hay poke injuries and other similar issues given enough time, so be careful. If your hamster should get any jab-based injuries, be sure to clean the areas, and if it gets more severe, take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.


4. Soft Granule Blends


This kind of bedding flips the script on what Timothy Hay’s biggest drawback is, so instead of concerning yourself with razored edges from sharply cut hay, you can rest assured that your little furry friend can waddle around these kinds of bedding completely safely.

In most cases, soft granule blends are also composites of other materials, ranging from paper to wood shavings and other ingredients, that have ultimately been shaped into small pellets suitable for your pet to both walk and potentially nibble on safely if they get curious.

The only downside to using soft granule blends is that you need to use them in isolated areas of their enclosures to get the most out of them. You cannot fill an entire area with them due to them collapsing upon themselves, meaning burrowing would be completely out of the question.


Best Beddings For A Hamster


Now that we have a better understanding of the different kinds of bedding products available, we can discuss some of the best brands you have at your disposal and some that will keep you from spending too much to give your fluff ball a comfortable night’s rest.

1. Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Paper Bedding


Kaytee Clean & Cozy sets the standard on what paper bedding should be. First, it’s suitable for a wide variety of pets, not simply hamsters, which means it’s a product with a wide range of uses, allowing you to have options should you need them. Second, the quality of the bedding sets the stage for a wonderful sleep, being dust, fragrance, and chemical-free.

Kaytee’s paper bedding also boasts more absorbance than traditional paper blends without sacrificing texture. It’s still just as soft on your hamster’s gentle spots, essentially their paws and nose, as it is durable, making it a fantastic option for the price.

2. Small Pet Select- Small Animal Pelleted Paper Bedding


If normalized paper bedding just isn’t your jam, then Small Pet Select’s take on paper bedding might be more your cup of tea. Not only is it a paper bedding-based product, but it has also been molded into a pellet-based form and made from recycled paper, no less, for those of us who are a little more mindful of our (and our animals’) impact on the planet.

Going with this brand doesn’t mean you are setting your animal up for a dangerous night because it’s made of recycled paper. However, there are still no dusts, no chemicals, and ultimately no fragrances, with an absorbance level that is even higher than clay.

Another wonderful perk you gain in going with this brand is that it makes the messes isolated issues, not entire enclosures that need to be replaced, making the general upkeep here incredibly basic!

3. Carefresh 99% Dust-Free White Natural Paper Small Pet Bedding


Carefresh is a fantastic choice for those who want the best for their little hamster but don’t have much to invest. With incredibly soft paper bedding that allows your pet to burrow and waddle around safely and is free of annoying scents, you truly can’t go wrong here. As the name might imply, it’s also ALMOST entirely dust-free, but the key takeaway here is almost.

Safety will always be paramount concerning pet health, so complete transparency is mandatory. While there is only 1%, it’s listed for a reason. Aside from that, the product still boasts a chemical—and dye-free composition.

4. Oxbow Eco Straw Pelleted Wheat Straw Small Animal Litter


Walking back into the arena of pellet bedding materials, Oxbow stands out from the rest. Their priority is making their product both comfortable and affordable while maintaining a heavy emphasis on being completely natural.

The blend itself is made of Wheat Straw and is entirely geared toward making a product that is good for the environment but also completely capable of being utilized on a wide variety of smaller animals, including hamsters.

Oxbow also has some skin in the game. With over thirty years of being in business, they know a thing or two about what it takes to keep a pet happy and, more importantly, healthy. So you can take some solace in the fact that they care about your little one having a scent, dust, and chemical-free lifestyle.

5. Dust-Free Soft Natural Paper Hamster Bedding


Tafit’s Dust-Free paper bedding might be the perfect solution for those of us who want to get something that is both easy to look at for us and easy to navigate for hamsters, the bedding itself is made of paper that comes from 100% natural wood pulp, which is going to be both natural and safe for your fluffy friend.

The paper itself is incredibly absorbent, facilitates burrowing, eliminates odors, and allows your pet to lead a healthy, happy lifestyle without worrying about their enclosure getting rank or damp. The product itself comes in several colors for some level of expression, which isn’t something you get to see very often when it comes to hamster bedding.

6. All Walks 18.5L 100% Natural Hemp Bedding


Hemp is finally making its first introduction on the list, in style no less. All Walk’s hemp bedding features everything you’d expect of a normal bedding option. Basic necessities like odor control and dust—and chemical-free are standard, but what sets it apart is that it is 100% biodegradable and made in the USA for people who want to support the economy.

The bedding is comfortable for your hamster (or any other small pets you might have) to sleep on. Still, it is fantastic for hamsters because the hemp itself bends and flexes, allowing your hamster to shape burrows that will hold up phenomenally and be easy enough for younger hamsters to begin trying their hand at it.

7. Small Pet Select Premium Natural Aspen Bedding


Aspen shavings would make their way here, and why not save what some consider the best for last? Aspen is not only 100% natural, as it comes directly from trees, but it also has native scent control from the wood’s natural odors and is relatively absorbent, considering the bedding is simply made from wood shavings.

Small Pet Select’s Aspen bedding’s biggest claim to fame is that it is about as natural as bedding material can get. While there is minimal dust because it is an actual tree-shaving blend, quality control has tested the product to ensure it is safe for commercial use.

The shavings themselves are extremely safe for your pet to shuffle around in and sleep on, and they feature no sharp edges on which your pet could potentially injure themselves. However, be aware that aspen bedding doesn’t hold quite as long as other bedding types, so you’ll need to replace it more often than expected.


What Bedding Is Unsafe For Your Hamster To Use?


Safety is always a great concern for both first-time pet owners and others who’ve had countless pets or even run sanctuaries. As such, there are some tips that will allow your hamster to lead a long and fulfilling life, free of mishaps and maladies that can befall them from being simply uninformed.


1. Fluffy Bedding


Fluffy bedding starts off as a nice concept, primarily because you are aiming to avoid damaging the sensitive parts of your pet’s body while providing a comfortable sleeping environment. This, on paper, is very admirable, but it’s the sacrifices that come with choosing such an option that really set you back.

Despite being comfortable, fluff bedding is innately dangerous because if it is stacked high, your pet can potentially hit a soft spot that will cause it to sink into the material itself without a way to climb back to the top, making choking or panicking a very serious issue.

You can achieve the same results as utilizing fluffier materials by mixing them with other bedding types that provide more stability. This is imperative if you want to promote burrowing and essential if you want your hamster to be as safe as possible while using this material.


2. Cat Litter


You might assume that cat litter can be an excellent substitute for bedding as it is relatively soft and absorbent. The final perk is that it is incredibly easy to access and visibly see droppings; the safety concerns make cat litter an impossibility.

Cat litter is a particle-based product, with most brands utilizing powders and dust to combat cat urine’s strong scent. These dusts can and will adhere to your hamster’s lungs and damage them, and that is simply from a first exposure. A prolonged period in cat litter can become much more grim.

The consistency of the cat litter means that the granules themselves are small enough to get into your hamster’s mouth and nose. They will do precisely that because they are meant to absorb moisture and clump. Still, an enclosed nasal cavity or throat is incredibly dangerous, so you’ll want to avoid cat litter like the plague for those reasons alone.


3. Pine And Cedar Shavings


Although pine and Cedar shavings initially seem like perfectly fine replacements for aspen shavings, they are actually rather dangerous alternatives. This is not because of scents or even because they are poisonous, but purely because the trees themselves are much more rigid and are far more likely to poke or cut your hamster when it walks amongst the shavings.

When you are shopping for bedding alternatives, be very mindful that you look at what shaving-based bedding is made of. Some will include pine and cedar shavings alongside Aspen ones to simply market them at the same price, with them being primarily composed of filler materials, to your pet’s deficit no less.


What Tips Should You Consider Before Purchasing A Bedding?


You would think there might not be a lot of thought when dealing with the right bedding for your rodent, but there is much to learn about them. Here are some excellent tips before finding the right bedding for your hamster.


1. Provide Enough Bedding To Keep Your Hamster Satisfied


One of the biggest favors you can do for both yourself and your hamster is to ensure that you purchase enough bedding to allow your hamster to sleep and maneuver through the area comfortably, but not so much that you make it the entirety of the enclosure (unless, of course, the blend is specifically for that purpose).

Hamsters love burrowing, and despite being comfortable, not all bedding is malleable enough to facilitate the endeavor, so just be mindful of what you are purchasing and what kind of lifestyle it shapes for your hamster.


2. Make Sure You Monitor Your Hamster For Any Respiratory Issues


One of the primary reasons most bedding lists that it is dust-free is that hamsters have very sensitive respiratory systems. These systems can easily become compromised if they happen to breathe in anything foreign, be it particles, dust, or even small granules of other odd materials.

Keeping a close eye on your hamster for labored breathing, sneezing, “coughs,” and general issues with mobility and energy can be key indicators that your hamster is suffering from a respiratory issue and is in dire need of help.


3. Regularly Change The Bedding


Keeping your hamster’s enclosure clean isn’t difficult for anyone to grasp, but setting a schedule to ensure your fluffy friend isn’t suffering will guarantee that no ill circumstances can befall them due to neglect, be it accidental or not.

Maintaining a regularly scheduled change also means you have guaranteed interaction times with your hamster, which can help foster a stronger bond or be a way to help get children involved in pet care and upkeep, too!


4. Ensure The Bedding Is Not Scented


Scented bedding poses the same level of danger as breathing in dust and other small particles, the hamster’s respiratory system is incredibly sensitive, and any minute changes to their intake can have disastrous outcomes on the animal’s life, so even if you have to endure a very slight smell occasionally, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Alternatively, if scents are truly a big concern for you, you can always consider Aspen Shavings. They use the native scent of the tree to make up for some of your hamster’s natural scents, but they do not impact your hamster’s quality of life.




At the end of the day, everyone can appreciate a nice night’s rest, and hamsters are no different. By taking time to formally educate yourself on your hamster’s nightly needs, you will actively increase the quality of their life and give yourself the peace of mind that you are doing everything a good pet owner should.

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