
Should Hamsters Have Sand Baths? We Find Out

Hamsters can be highly entertaining for many reasons. They are very playful, energetic, tiny, and many have unique personalities. Suppose […]

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Hamsters can be highly entertaining for many reasons. They are very playful, energetic, tiny, and many have unique personalities. Suppose you have been looking up hamster activities or how to help your hamster live the best life possible and came across the term “sand bath.”

If you are new to the whole ordeal, you might need help understanding what a hamster is and if they should have sand baths in the first place. So, let us answer the question below and better understand how it all works!

To answer the question briefly, hamsters can and should have sand baths. However, although sand baths benefit a hamster, replacing good hygiene with regular cage cleanings is unwise. It is also important to remember to use the correct type of sand, like reptile sand without calcium. Avoid beach sand as well due to its harmful effects.

Today, we will discuss all the details, including hamsters and sand baths. Knowing these things is essential, especially if you want your hamster to be the cleanest! We encourage you to continue reading for more information.


Are Sand Baths Good for Hamsters?


Yes, sand baths are excellent for hamsters. There are many benefits that sand baths provide hamsters. Some of these benefits are as follows:


1. Removes Excess Oils Off Their Coats


If a hamster gains too much oil on its coat, it can weigh it down, making it difficult to maintain and groom it. Too much oil can lead to many tangles and matting, causing skin irritation and discomfort. Keeping their coat clean provides more comfort and makes their overall appearance pleasant to their owners.

Too much oil on a hamster also creates poor hygiene. It can attract parasites and other health concerns, and the hamster’s coat will appear unkempt and dirty.


2. Provides a Natural Enrichment


Hamsters love digging and playing in their sand baths. Giving your hamster a sand bath helps satisfy their needs to dig, burrow, and a sense of security.

Digging also helps your hamster hide in new places and explore their environment more, providing much-needed enrichment. Lastly, a hamster’s instincts love hanging out in the sand in the wild. Therefore, a pet hamster will love to do the same.


How Should You Give a Hamster a Sand Bath?


It is extremely easy to provide your hamster with a sand bath, but make sure you use these steps beforehand:


1. Choose the Right Sand


First, you want to ensure you have the right kind of sand. Hamsters need reptile sand that does not contain calcium. Steer away from play or beach sand, as this can be harmful to your hamster due to the grain size, calcium content, and possible contamination due to all of the impurities these types of sand contain.


2. Pick a Sand Bowl or Tub


Next, have a sand bath bowl or tub like this one. This helps your hamster know that there is a designated area for them to take their bath. Your hamster will soon know exactly where to go to become clean again.


3. Fill the Container with Sand


The easy part is to fill the container with sand. It is essential to ensure the sand is clean and free of debris.


4. Introduction


If your hamster has never been introduced to sand, gently place it in. Most often, your hamster will automatically dig into the sand, creating a new, fun, and interactive environment for it!


5. Monitor Your Hamster


Make sure to monitor your hamster closely to see if they enjoy themselves. Sometimes, too many new things at once cause your hamster to become stressed out.


6. Clean and Replace the Sand Regularly


After your hamster finishes with their “bath, ” clean up with a small sand bath scoop, like this one from Niteangel. Doing so helps get any debris, poop, or soiled sand out of the tub.

It is important to regularly replace the sand bath to ensure it remains clean and fresh. To keep it fresh, replace the sand once or twice a week. If you notice the sand is soiled, or your hamster continues to avoid it, that is also a way of knowing it is time for a sand replacement.


How to Make Sand Safe for Hamsters?


There are some fantastic tips to ensure the sand is safe for your hamster to use. As we mentioned earlier, it is essential to choose the right type of sand, but aside from that, you can do any of these steps beforehand to ensure it is safe:


  • Thoroughly clean the hamster’s sand bath container or tub. This means taking it out and washing it with non-scented dish soap. Make sure the sand bath receptacle is fully dry before putting it back inside.


  • Sanitize the sand before using it. To ensure that the sand is extra clean, you can easily sanitize it by getting rid of all the impurities before use. Here is an excellent video demonstrating how they did it and how long it took before it could be used again.


  • Replace the sand regularly to help prevent bacteria and other harmful substances from building up. It is vital to replace the sand every week or so.


  • Put the sand in a separate container. Directly placing the sand inside the cage is not sanitary and can get everywhere, but putting it in a separate tub will help it be contained in a tiny area. This is important because your hamster may use the sand bath for potty needs. It also helps keep their cages cleaner.


How Deep Should a Hamster Sand Bath Be?


A hamster sand bath should be about 1 to 2 inches deep. This gives your hamster plenty of room to roll around and dig in without getting stressed or overwhelmed.


How Often Should I Bathe My Hamster?


You do not need to bathe your hamster; doing so can become stressful and remove any natural oils that help protect its skin. On the other hand, if your hamster becomes dirty due to illnesses or accidents, spot-clean it with a soft, damp wash cloth. Make sure the fabric is not too cold, and keep it warm.

However, suppose you truly want your hamster to remain clean. In that case, providing your fur baby with access to a sand bath and free reign to do it themselves is the fastest and easiest way to ensure they remain clean without you doing anything special.


Can Hamsters Have Wet Sand?


No, keeping your hamster away from wet sand is imperative for several reasons, but the biggest cause can be different illnesses or even death. Here are some reasons to steer away from providing your hamster with wet sand:


1. Wet Sand Causes Skin Irritations


Wet sand can contain chemicals and impurities. It could also stick to your hamster’s coat, preventing it from being appropriately groomed. The coat can also become too heavy and clumped up, making it highly uncomfortable.


2. Wet Sand Can Harbor Mold and Bacteria


Everyone knows mold and bacteria are not suitable for anybody, especially when those bodies are tiny creatures weighing a little over a pound each. For these reasons, keep any wet sand away.

If you are trying to save money and reuse the sand you used before, washing it first is imperative, then baking it in the oven until the sand is arid. Otherwise, replace the sand regularly to ensure nothing wrong builds up.

In addition, because it harbors mold and bacteria, it can cause respiratory issues in your hamster.


3. Wet Sand Causes Hypothermia


Hamsters have a high metabolic rate, which means if they get wet, they become chilled quickly and develop hypothermia. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the sand remains dry.


What Kind of Sand Is Safe for Hamsters?


Although many sand brands can be safe for hamsters, we have found two excellent choices for your little fur baby!

1. Zoo Med ReptiSand®


One of the best parts about Zoo Med ReptiSand is that it contains no artificial dyes or fragrances and, most importantly, no calcium! This bag is 10 pounds, meaning it will last a long time. Lastly, ReptiSand creates a natural environment for all animals living in the sand.

2. Exo Terra Desert Sand


Yet another 10-pound sandbag, the Exo Terra desert sand, comes from sand straight out of the desert! It is free of calcium, dyes, and fragrance. It is the perfect sand for your hamster’s digging needs!




To summarize, hamsters should indeed have sand baths and should always have access to them. This provides them with plenty of stimulation and has many health benefits!

Hamsters love to try out new things, especially in their enclosure, so try a sand bath occasionally! Your hamster will learn to love it soon enough, and it will give you the satisfaction of knowing you are doing the right thing for your little fur baby!

We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have more questions regarding hamsters and how to care for them, we highly encourage you to read our other articles.

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