guinea pig

My Guinea Pigs Are Scared of Me: What to Do

As a guinea pig owner, you should ensure they are well cared for. However, whenever you go up to your […]

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guinea pig

As a guinea pig owner, you should ensure they are well cared for. However, whenever you go up to your guinea pigs, they run away to hide or squeak in terror. So, it leads you to believe your guinea pigs are scared of you! However, why is this, and how can you help them overcome this fear? Let us discover it down below.

There are many reasons why your guinea pig might be afraid of you. For example, you might be approaching them too quickly, or something may have been knocked over in your room, causing a loud commotion.

Another factor might be that your guinea pig is new, and they need ample time to get used to you. Alternatively, suppose you have had your guinea pig for a long time, and they are still weary of you. In that case, you might need more time for them to build that relationship.

Whatever the case for you, we will discuss how your guinea pig might be afraid of you below and how you can solve the problem. On top of this, we will discuss how you can calm down a stressed-out cavy. If you wish to help your guinea pig become a calm, relaxed, happy, and healthier guinea pig, we highly recommend you continue reading for further information.

guinea pig

Why Is My Guinea Pig Scared of Me?


Guinea pigs are afraid of you for many reasons. However, it is imperative to note that they are considered prey animals. This means that they will often be scared of almost anything! For example, suppose you are a teenager and have a guinea pig in your room. When you get home, you may not think to open the door slowly and carefully, so they will initially hide when the guinea pig sees you.

If that is the case, it may not necessarily mean they fear you, but they may be scared of the unexpected. Guinea pigs are intelligent creatures, so they may figure out later that you get home at a particular time. Still, you might have to change some of your behavior by being mindful that your cavy might become afraid quickly. If that is the case, open the door softer next time!

Given that information, here are some reasons why guinea pigs might be afraid of you:


1. New Environment


Suppose you recently moved or even got a new guinea pig. Another example is if you recently switched them to a different cage, especially if it is a larger enclosure. In that case, your piggy must get used to his new environment, which takes time.

If you are considering changing something in your guinea pig’s environment, try to do so gradually instead of overwhelming them immediately. For example, if you rearrange your room, which involves moving the guinea pig cage, it would be best to do so over a short period instead of changing it immediately.

Another thing to consider is providing familiar items for your guinea pig. Suppose it is Christmas and you wish to spoil your cavy. In that case, it would be wise to bring in one or two items to replace the old ones over a short period to ensure they are not too stressed out.


2. Feels Threatened


As mentioned above, guinea pigs are prey animals, so they can quickly get scared over many things. However, alongside being scared, they might feel threatened. Sometimes, you may grab them wrong from the cage and not support their bodies with one of your hands, causing them to feel endangered.

If this is the case, it is essential to pick them up from underneath their bodies instead of grabbing them from above their heads. On top of this, other animals might be around, causing stress for your guinea pig. If you have cats, ensure they stay away from your piggies so their predatory instincts do not kick in.

Another thing to consider is to walk slowly when approaching your guinea pigs. Your cavy might consider you a threat if you run or walk fast towards them.


3. Loud Noises or Sudden Movements


Sometimes, loud noises occur outside. You cannot always control circumstances outside, such as when construction occurs outdoors. However, you can control what happens inside your home (except if you have small kids.)

For example, if you have had a TV in your room for a long time and love keeping it loud but want to invest in a guinea pig, put your guinea pig in a separate room from said TV. Otherwise, make sure to take the TV out of the room. That way, they will not become frightened each time it turns on.

Other examples of loud noises might be your alarm clock, loud music, vacuum cleaners, car horns, or fireworks. However, it is not limited to these things, so be considerate of any loud noise that may be going on during this time.


4. Past Experiences


If your guinea pig came from a previous home, do not always assume they had a great family. Some people might have treated them poorly, which, in return, leads to your guinea pig becoming extremely skittish around you. Because of this, it is imperative to provide them ample time to get used to you.


5. You Do Not Spend Much Time With Them


Sometimes, the problem might not be how you may or may not handle them. However, it might be due to your lack of investment in your guinea pig.

Spending time with any animal is crucial to building that trust, bond, and relationship between you and your fur baby. If you leave them alone for a long time and are only there when feeding them, they will not fully know who you are except that they know you are a person who cleans out their cage and feeds them food.

For those who want their guinea pigs to be happy to see them, make sure you invest time in holding them and talking with them continuously. If you do not have much time in the morning due to getting ready for school or work, take some time out of your afternoon to hang out with your favorite little pet!


How Do I Get My Guinea Pig to Stop Being Scared of Me?


You can help your guinea pig stop being scared of you in many ways. However, if they are constantly afraid of you, remember it will not happen overnight.

Forcing anything on your small animal will only cause them to regress any progress they have made and lead to them not trusting you even further. Nevertheless, we have researched many ways to get your guinea pig to stop being scared of you, so continue reading!


1. Give Them Space


One of the best things you can do is give your cavy some space. Suppose you are stressing out too much about them being scared of you and constantly worrying and checking up on them. In that case, guinea pigs can sense your stress, which causes them to become anxious.

However, giving your guinea pig space has several benefits, including reducing their stress, providing a better social dynamic (especially with multiple guinea pigs), and improving their health. We recommend deep breathing and knowing everything will be okay in the long run.


2. Do Not Pick Them up Immediately


When you first approach your guinea pig, it is essential not to pick them up immediately. For example, you just returned home from a long day at work and want to see your fluffy fur baby.

In this case, it is essential to slowly approach their cage and let them know you are in the room. You can even gently stroke their heads and talk about your day. This will help your guinea pig calm down if loud noises occur during the day.


3. Offer Them Veggies


Providing your guinea pig snacks is one of the best ways to get them to trust you! Guinea pigs can eat various snacks, including celery, strawberries, lettuce, oranges, bell peppers, squash, pears, etc.

Give them a cup of fresh fruit and veggies daily. In this case, try to give them a piece of fruit or vegetable from your hand. If this does not work, consider showing them that you are providing them with food first, then working your way up to the hand.


4. Speak in an Upbeat and Calm Way


Suppose you work a stressful job that always leaves you feeling down. On the other hand, you might have had a hard time that day or week and are speaking in a negative tone.

Guinea pigs can easily pick up on your tone, body language, scent, etc. If you ask them if they want any food, say “food” with a higher pitch than the rest of the question. That way, they will associate your voice with something happy instead of negative.


5. Give Your Guinea Pig a Companion


Guinea pigs innately need another guinea to keep them company. This helps provide them with mental stimulation as they often play with each other. Also, your guinea pig will not get so alone and will feel safer with their other furry friend. In return, they will be less likely to be weary or scared of you.


6. Approach Your Cavy Slow and Steady


As mentioned above, it is vital to approach your guinea pig slowly to ensure you are not startling them. This approach also helps build trust between you and your guinea pig, showing them that you respect their space instead of making them feel threatened. It also shows your guinea pig that you respect them and helps set healthy boundaries between you. Lastly, you will gain more of their trust by doing this.


7. Provide Positive Reinforcement


Providing any number of positive reinforcement is helpful because it strengthens your bond with them. An example of this would be potty training. If you want your cavy to go to the bathroom in a specific spot, give them a treat after they finish going.

Rewarding them after doing any desired behavior is essential so they understand that this is good. Lastly, it is also imperative that you do not punish your animal for doing the wrong thing, as they will regress into being scared more.


8. Cover the Cage (Or Part of It)


Covering your guinea pig’s cage or at least a portion might be wise. This will help them feel safe and secure and reduce their stress levels immensely.

If you are going to cover a portion of their cage, there are a few things to keep in mind beforehand:


  • Check on it regularly to ensure it has stayed put. I suggest investing in heavy-duty clamps to ensure the blanket stays in place.


  • Whatever material you have, such as fleece, must be breathable to ensure your guinea pig has plenty of air circulation in its cage.


  • Make sure their view is not blocked. Guinea pigs are curious creatures and still love to look around the room often.


  • Observe their behavior. You can remove the blanket if your guinea pig is unhappy about its cage being covered.


9. Provide Your Piggy With Enough Shelter


Does your guinea pig have enough hiding spaces to where they feel comfortable? Because guinea pigs quickly get scared, they need a lot of places to hide. This might solve your problem entirely, especially if you spend time with your tiny piggy, provide them with plenty of treats, and positively speak to them.

If you are unsure which hideout to get for your guinea pig, here are some affordable Kaytee igloos. You can get small or large, depending on your guinea pig’s size.

guinea pig

The Bottom Line


To summarize everything, there might be a few reasons why your guinea pig is afraid of you, but the most important thing to remember is that it takes time to build trust between you and your guinea pig. However, it is imperative to be patient and understanding, especially since they are animals and do not speak human.

Still, we hope this article was helpful for you. If you need any other help regarding guinea pigs, we highly recommend reading our other articles for more information! We hope you have a great day and wish you the best in caring for your little fluff of joy!

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