guinea pig vs capybara

Guinea Pig vs. Capybara: Which Is Best for You?

Some pets are not just beautiful, but also unique in their own ways. They are fun, easy, lovable, and adorable. […]

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guinea pig vs capybara

Some pets are not just beautiful, but also unique in their own ways. They are fun, easy, lovable, and adorable. In certain instances, there will be two animals that look alike or are from the same family, but each has its own distinct characteristics that make them interesting pets. In this case, you might wonder which is better for you: a guinea pig or capybara. Let’s delve into their unique traits and find out below.

The most significant difference between a capybara and a guinea pig is size. Guinea pigs can grow 8 to 10 inches, while capybaras can grow to 20 to 24 inches. Capybaras also have slightly webbed feet, meaning they need water, whereas guinea pigs do not.

Other differences include how they are housed, health concerns, etc., but we will discuss those below. If you are considering a capybara or a guinea pig, we highly suggest reading all there is to know about them below!


What Is the Difference Between a Guinea Pig and a Capybara?


Understanding the differences between a guinea pig and a capybara is crucial for making an informed decision. We will explore each difference through different categories, which include life span, size, diet, social behaviors, activity levels, grooming, housing needs, and health. Here is a quick six-minute video to watch if you are short on time.

guinea pig vs capybara

1. Life Span


The first thing we will discuss is their lifespan. This is important because you can expect how long your furry friend will be with you and how long you have to take care of it, especially if they are a first-time pet for you.


Guinea Pig


A guinea pig’s life expectancy is five to seven years, give or take. A lot of this depends on how healthy your guinea pig is. Ask yourself these questions:


  • Am I giving them the correct set of nutrition?
  • Am I providing them with enough vitamins and minerals?
  • How often am I cleaning their cage, providing good hygiene, and playing with them?
  • How often are they getting their exercise?
  • Do they have enough space to roam around in?


These are all major contributing factors to how long your piggie can live. In rare cases, guinea pigs can live up to 10 years, but that is a hit or miss.




Capybaras can live up to 12 years in captivity! This depends on a few factors, like whether they can graze around the yard or swim openly, as they love being in or near water. In addition, ensure you provide them with high-quality food, vitamin C, plenty of affection and attention, etc.

guinea pig vs capybara

2. Size


As stated above, a significant difference exists between the size of a guinea pig and capybara. In return, this might affect their living quarters. For example, do capybaras need to be kept in cages or not? Although we will discuss that portion further down the line, it is important to note these things, especially if you want a small animal.


Guinea Pig


Guinea pigs are the smaller one out of the two animals. To that end, they only grow 8 to 10 inches long as adults and only weigh 25 to 39 ounces. These tiny critters are perfect to hold and cuddle with. You can fit them in the corner of your room, and they will be perfectly content hanging out during the day.  




On the other hand, capybara’s can weigh and get pretty big! These big creatures weigh 60 to 174 pounds and grow up to be 3.2 to 4.2 feet long and 1.6 to 2 feet tall. On top of this, a capybara is the largest rodent in the world! However, although you cannot necessarily hold them in the palm of their hand, that does not stop them from wanting affection.

guinea pig vs capybara

3. Diet


Guinea pigs and capybara might have some similarities in their diets, so let’s check out what they like to eat.


Guinea Pig


Guinea pigs eat a wide variety of things, including but not limited to carrots, celery, strawberries, kiwi, apples, bell peppers, cilantro, dandelion leaves, and much more.

The most important part of their diet is that guinea pigs cannot naturally create vitamin C by themselves, so they need our help to provide for them. You can give them pellets for this specific reason. It is very common if you see guinea pigs eating their poop, which is entirely normal as this provides them extra nutrients.

When feeding your guinea pig, ensure there is endless orchard or Timothy hay. Also, give your piggie at least one cup of fresh fruit and veggies daily. You can give them 1/2 cup in the morning and the other half in the evening if it makes it more accessible. Lastly, a guinea pig should have 1/8th cup of pellets per day.




Capybaras are considered herbivorous grazers. They happily graze on high-quality Timothy or orchard hay, consuming 6 to 8 pounds of fresh grass daily.

In dry seasons, they will feast on melons, seeds, squashes, and reeds. Here is an excellent recommendation for what a capybara should eat daily:


  • 50% grazing
  • 30% grass, lucerne and other roughages
  • 10% concentrates
  • 10% cabbage and leafy vegetables


Note: Divide their feedings into two times a day.

Capybaras are often fed as browsers in captivity, meaning they eat different parts of woody vegetation. This means they select protein-rich nutrients from aquatic plants and crops.

Lastly, capybaras consume their feces like guinea pigs. They digest their feed twice, ensuring they get all the nutrients required for their bodies.

guinea pig vs capybara

4. Social Behaviors


When getting a new animal, consider asking yourself what social behaviors you want it to have. Are you an affectionate person who loves giving your animal attention, or do you not care about it too much?


Guinea Pig


Guinea pigs are truly loving animals, which makes them relatively easy to have as pets. They love to be cuddled and played with. Not only this, but guinea pigs crave human attention.

A guinea pig also needs a companion often, so getting at least two of them would be wise. If your budget only calls for one, give them plenty of attention. However, when young guinea pigs are housed together, they will get along well most of the time!

If you have a new cavy, it’s important to be patient and understanding. They may be wary of new people at first, but with time and attention, they will soon become your best furry little friends!  





Capybaras are also very social creatures. In the wild, you can see them in up to groups of 20, with one male typically being the alpha of the bunch. On top of this, they are very vocal and communicate with their kind through whistles, grunts, and barks.

These creatures love to groom each other, which is a sign of affection and cleanliness, as this helps them remove parasites from each other’s fur. If you get a capybara, it is also wise to provide them with a companion so they do not get lonely. Lastly, these animals love getting their back scratched and having affection from their owners, so make sure you give them plenty of it!

guinea pig vs capybara

5. Activity Levels


Some animals need much exercise—guinea pigs and capybaras are no exception! However, it is imperative to know how much exercise they need daily.


Guinea Pig


Guinea pigs need lots of exercise. These small animals should be out of their cages for at least an hour daily, whether you hold them, provide them with plenty of exercise, or give them different stimulation. Guinea pigs may get bored if their cages are always the same, or they do not get brought out, so ensure you provide them with plenty of stimulation.




These animals are considered crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn or dusk. If they feel threatened, they will become nocturnal, as the dark provides them with plenty of coverage, and predators are less likely to attack (in the wild, that is).

In addition, capybaras love to swim, so ensuring they have access to water at all times is a must. This will also help them exercise. Make sure the body of water is over 3 feet deep.

guinea pig vs capybara

6. Grooming


What would happen if your guinea pig or capybara had to get cleaned up due to something happening? Also, what must you do to ensure they remain healthy and fit?


Guinea Pig


Thankfully, guinea pigs do not require much grooming, so you will not need to worry too much about that, especially since they self-groom, making your job much easier!

However, sometimes, guinea pig coats might get a bit oily or dirty. In that case, you can provide them with a warm bath to ensure they remain clean.

In addition, make sure you give guinea pigs plenty of things to chew on, as their teeth never stop growing. This could be as easy as hay, willow balls, cardboard, toilet paper rolls, fresh bamboo sticks, etc.

Lastly, make sure you are clipping their nails every 6 to 8 weeks to help prevent curling. Here is a quick video demonstrating how to clip your cavy’s nails:




Like guinea pigs, you will not need to provide your capybara a bath unless required. Since they self-groom, they will remain clean for the most part.

If a capybara’s nails get too long, you can easily clip them yourself or take them to the veterinarian to get it done. On top of this, brushing their hair keeps their coats shiny while providing a bonding experience for you and your large rodent.

Ensure you clip their nails occasionally to prevent curling and that they chew on things constantly. Like all rodents, their teeth continuously grow, so they mustn’t get too long.

guinea pig vs capybara

7. Housing Needs


A guinea pig and capybara’s housing needs are entirely different. It is important to note what space must be allowed outdoors or kept inside. Also, if you live in an apartment or specific area worldwide, can you even have a capybara or guinea pig?


Guinea Pig 


Guinea pigs only take up a small space in your home. They are perfect animals if you live in the suburbs or city, especially if they are kept in your room. Keeping them away from drafty windows, doors, and loud noises is imperative. If many things happen in the room where your guinea pig lives, it can cause unwanted stress.

Overall, the bigger the house, the better, but guinea pig houses must remain on the ground instead of on top of a dresser or table. Ensure they are provided with a 2×3 minimum, but the best preference is 2×4.




These animals need a much larger space. Ideally, if you have two capybara, give them a minimum space of 12×20 long and at least 6 feet high.

Provide them with a pool, heat shelter, and shaded area. If you are located in an area where capybaras need to stay indoors, ensure they have a UV light so they can still follow their daily lifecycle.

In their enclosure, ensure capybaras have plenty of enrichment, such as dog toys and floating water toys, and hide extra treats around the enclosure.

We should note that capybaras are not allowed to become pets in some states. However, although some of these states allow it, the city may not, so it is imperative to check before automatically investing in one. You CAN own a capybara in Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.

guinea pig vs capybara

8. Health Concerns


The last point we will discuss is health concerns. What must you look out for, and how can they remain healthy?


Guinea Pig


Guinea pigs are relatively healthy but do have some concerns. Some main issues include respiratory problems or scurvy, meaning they lack vitamin C. Here is a list of other issues you may need to know about:


  • GI stasis
  • Urinary problems
  • Lice and mite infections
  • Fungal skin disease
  • Tumors
  • Abscesses due to infections
  • Inner ear infections




Because capybaras’ teeth constantly grow, they are prone to dental problems. They can also get scurvy due to a lack of vitamin C. Cabybaras can also become injured but recover quickly. Lastly, these large rodents can get frostbite in cold, harsh conditions.


Should You Get a Guinea Pig or a Capybara?


Depending on where you live, the amount of space you have, and your budget, you will determine if you can have a guinea pig or capybara. However, suppose none of these factors are an issue for you. In that case, choose which animal is best for you.

For example, a capybara might be better if you love being outdoors and hanging out with animals. However, a guinea pig would be a fantastic choice if you are an indoor person and do not mind sharing a bedroom with a small rodent.

All in all, it entirely depends on you and what you want. We hope this article was helpful to you! If you have questions about little pets like your furry friend or the guinea pig, we recommend checking out our other articles for more information.

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