Do Hamsters Cry? Find Out Here

If you are thinking about getting a hamster for the first time, you should know plenty of things. For instance, […]

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If you are thinking about getting a hamster for the first time, you should know plenty of things. For instance, hamsters make a lot of noise. The noises hamsters make can mean different things depending on the noise. For example, when hamsters are sad or hurt, they will make screaming, squealing, or squeaking noises. But, when these things happen, do hamsters cry?

Hamsters do cry, but not in the way you might be thinking. Hamsters do not shed tears when they cry. They do, however, make plenty of noise. Depending on the reason they might be crying, they will make any number of noises. For example, when a hamster is sad or gets hurt, they will make their normal squeaking and squealing noise. This makes it kind of hard to understand what their most common noise means. 

The most common causes of sadness in hamsters are loneliness, neglect, and boredom. So if your hamster had a roommate that has previously passed away, it would likely get sad and depressed that its friend is no longer in its cage to play with them. 

As you continue to read this article, it will go in-depth about the different noises that hamsters make when crying. In addition, this article will also cover some methods of alleviating your hamster’s sadness.

Can Hamsters Cry?

When it comes to taking care of a hamster, there will be times when your little friend will get sad, hurt, or scared. When this happens, your hamster will start to make noises and cry. However, hamsters are not capable of forming tears from feeling sad, happy, or pain.

With that said, it is not uncommon for your hamster to have some fluids near its eyes. This is especially common with older hamsters. While the liquid around their eyes can be tears, it can be caused by many reasons.

Hamsters can form liquid in and around their eyes if a foreign object has brushed up against their eye, causing irritation. Something small might even get stuck on their eye as well. This typically happens with dusty bedding. As hamsters move around, dig, and play, they kick up their bedding, causing dust to fly around. This dust can get into your hamster’s eyes, causing them to get irritated.

Usually, when this happens, your hamster will be able to clean themselves. However, with older hamsters, it is not as easy for them. You can actually help them clean their eyes. Take a q tip and dunk it in lukewarm water. Then you will need to grab your hamster and very gently wipe its eyes in a single direction. Do not use a circular motion when doing this. If there is something stuck in their eye, do not try to remove it. Instead, take them to a vet.

Another reason hamsters can form tears is if their environment is abnormally humid. The excess water in the air will condensate on their eyes, and when they blink, it will form liquid around the eyes as if they were crying.

Older hamsters can also form excessive amounts of tears when they wake up. This is because when humans and most animals sleep, their tear ducts will flow liquid across the eyes to clean them. When your eyes do this, all of the gunk and dust build up in the corner of your eyes. This gunk will cause some irritation for older hamsters until you can clean it from their eyes.

Always remember, when you are trying to help clean your hamster’s eyes, you must be very gentle. You would not want to end up hurting them when you are trying to help them.

What Types of Sounds Do Hamsters Make When They Cry Out?

If your hamster is making noise, there is always a reason behind it. The noises they make can vary in type and volume. The reasons behind each of these types of cries can vary.

With that said, as you spend time with your hamster, you will become more familiar with what their cries mean. When you are spending time with your hamster, be on the lookout to learn and familiarize yourself with their body language. Their body language can give you significant clues on how they feel and why they make their noises.

Below will be a list of noises your hamster will make and why theta are making them.

  • Squeaking and Squealing: These are the most common noises your hamster will make. When a hamster cries, it is in the form of noises. The most common noise a hamster will make is a squeak or a squeal. When your hamster makes this kind of noise, it will be hard to tell why. Hamsters squeak and squeal for several reasons. They will squeak when they are happy, playful, hungry, or curious about a new toy or object in their cage. Hamsters will also squeak and squeal when they are sad or hurt. 
  • If your hamster is very active while making this type of noise, it will usually mean that they are happy and full of joy. Squeaking and squealing occur when they have just been fed. Your hamster could also be playing with a toy or their roommate and even running on their wheel.
  • If your hamster is squeaking and squealing and is inactive or lethargic with its movements, they are usually sad, injured, or hungry.
  • Screaming and Hissing: When a hamster screams and hisses, it is because they are terrified. Hamsters often scream when you just purchased them. Being in a new environment and having a giant, hulking figure new to them will make them feel quite scared. When hamsters get afraid, they will back themselves into a corner and scream as loud as possible. Doing this acts as their defense mechanism.
  • When you have just acquired a new hamster, give them time and space. Hamsters need to get acquainted with their new home. Try not to stand over them as much as possible.

When you want to spend time with your hamster, walk up to them slowly and crouch down to their level. Speak softly and use gentle movements to get their attention. Being gentle with them and using treats is a fantastic way to earn your hamster’s trust. It is also a great way to get them not to be scared.

As you spend more time with your hamster, you will start to earn their trust. During this time, you will become acquainted with their habits and body language. Not only that, but you will become accustomed to the noises they make and why.

Why Do Hamsters Make Crying Noises?

Hamsters will usually make their usual squeaking, squealing, hissing, and screaming when they are anxious, in distress, or want attention. However, as previously stated, hamsters in a new home will be more boisterous when they enter a new environment or have a new owner.

One of the best noises a hamster can make is out of excitement. When hamsters become acquainted with you after a few weeks of ownership, they might squeak loudly when they see you walk into the room. If this happens, there is no need to be alarmed. They are excited to see you! When they do this, they will typically want your attention. Pick them up and play with them for a bit. This shows that they recognize and trust you!

When a hamster is anxious, it will make all of the noises listed above, depending on the occasion. However, their anxiety will dissipate with time and patience. You can help with this process by giving them space and time to become acquainted with their new home.

After a few hours of letting them explore their new cage, introduce yourself to them. Be quiet and talk softly. You can also make gentle noises in their cage to get their attention as well. Being a treat or two with you when doing this, helps out tons. Over time your hamster will become acquainted with its new home and you as its new friend.

If your hamster is in distress, its noises will be much louder than usual. This is because your hamster might be injured or sick in some way when they are making these loud noises. Keep in mind they might also be scared of something.

You must figure out what is wrong with your hamster when they cry loudly. First, examine your hamster’s every day habits when this is happening. If they are not moving very much, they may be injured from falling out of their wheel or somewhere else in their cage. If their loud cries do not stop after 12 to 24 hours, call a vet. You should also call a vet if you suspect your hamster to be sick as well.

Do Hamsters Get Sad?

Hamsters are indeed capable of feeling sadness. Hamsters can feel sad for several reasons. For example, your hamster can be exceedingly bored, or they might be lonely. If your hamster is feeling lonely, it is because you have been away for an extended period. Hamsters can also feel lonely if their roommate has recently passed away.

Another cause for sadness in hamsters is due to seasonal changes. During the colder and darker months of the year, your hamster will be slower, act lethargic and sleep more often than they usually would. This condition is called Seasonal Affective Disorder, which can also occur in other animals and humans.

If this is the case, there is no cause for alarm. Think of it like a sluggish hibernation state. Your hamster will be less likely to play and hang out with you during the winter months. Give them time and keep your presence known to them, and eventually, when things start to warm up again, their mood will go back to normal.

How Do You Comfort Your Hamster If They Are Sad?

If you suspect your hamster is sad, you can do a few things to help them. First and foremost, you should find out why they are making their crying noises. Second, if you suspect your hamster of being injured or sick in some way, call a vet and ask for advice. The last thing you would want to do is mishandle your hamster if they are injured.

You can spend more time with your hamster. A common cause for sadness in hamsters is loneliness. While there are a few different reasons they could be feeling lonely, a fantastic way to help them feel better is playing with them more often.

Another fantastic way to cure your hamster’s sadness is to set up a play area outside their cage. Being confined to such a small space for extended periods will make your hamsters sad. Instead, take some of their toys, set them on the floor in a larger enclosed space, and play with them. You can also get a clear plastic hamster ball for them to run around freely. Just be sure to keep them away from stairs, as falling down the stairs in their ball can injure them.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to hamsters crying, they do so by making different noises. Although hamsters do not cry as humans do, they cannot tear up from pain, happiness, or sadness. Learn what your hamsters crying noises mean and keep an eye on their body language. These are vital signs that will let you know what is going on with your hamster.

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