Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Grapes are a delightful and tasty treat for people of all ages. However, grapes are full of natural sugars that […]

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Grapes are a delightful and tasty treat for people of all ages. However, grapes are full of natural sugars that can be harmful to some animals. However, when it comes to bearded dragons, can they eat grapes?

© Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes. However, do not feed your bearded dragon grapes too often. As previously stated, grapes are full of natural sugars, which can be harmful to your bearded dragon if consumed in large quantities. On the other hand, grapes also contain fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and a ton of water which are all healthy for your bearded dragon. With that said, if your bearded dragon is not obese or suffers from diabetes, then you can feed your bearded dragon one or two grapes a week. Any more than this and you will start to see the side effects of feeding your bearded dragon too many sugary foods. As you continue to read this article, we will give you an all-encompassing guide to feeding your bearded dragon and how often you can give your bearded dragon sweets or treats like grapes.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

When you want to feed your bearded dragon grapes or other healthy fruits as a treat, you will need to look at your bearded dragon’s overall health beforehand. If your dragon does not have obesity, diabetes, or any other health issues, feeding him one or two grapes once a week should be OK. If your dragon has any health difficulties, once a month is preferable, and you should always consult with your veterinarian first to ensure that they will not hurt your dragon’s health.If your bearded dragon is healthy, they can enjoy a grape or two once a week. This is healthy for your bearded dragon for the following reasons:

  • Grapes contain tons of fiber which will help your bearded dragon’s digestive tract and prevent constipation.
  • Grapes have a low acidic content when allowing your bearded dragon to eat them without burning the inside of their mouth or damaging their stomach lining, unlike citric fruits like pineapple and oranges.
  • The skin of red grapes is full of antioxidants which are incredibly healthy for your bearded dragon. The antioxidants can reduce and prevent inflammation, help prevent your bearded dragon from developing allergies, and lower heart disease risk.
  • Grapes contain a good amount of potassium which help regulate your bearded dragon’s blood pressure.
  • Grapes also contain a lot of water, which is appropriate doses will improve your bearded dragon’s kidney function while also preventing dehydration.

What Types Of Grapes Can My Bearded Dragon Eat?

Bearded dragons are able to eat every type of grape, including red, purple, and green. However, remember to only give your bearded dragons grapes in moderation and only when they are healthy enough to eat them. Furthermore, only feed your bearded dragons seedless grapes.The seeds in grapes can cause significant damage to your bearded dragon as they are a choking hazard. In addition, your bearded dragon cannot digest the seeds, which can lead to gut impaction, meaning they will get stuck in your bearded dragon’s intestine and cause a blockage. This blockage can be deadly to your dragon if not taken care of right away.

How Often Can I Feed My Bearded Dragon Grapes?

© Photo by Enrique Grisales from Pexels

Healthy bearded dragons should only eat grapes as a treat, and they should not be a part of their regular diet. While a grape or two a week is healthy for a bearded dragon, any more can cause significant health risks.Here we will list the potential health risks associated with eating too many grapes.

  • Overhydration can lead to dehydration. Grapes and most fruits contain high amounts of water and can lead to severe dehydration. Bearded dragons’ natural habitat is the Australian deserts, and they are used to living off of small amounts of water for long periods. Because of this, overhydration can be caused by eating or drinking too much water, which their body will get rid of through diarrhea. Diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration, which can be deadly if not monitored.
  • Metabolic Bone Disease or MBD. MBD is a horrible disease that will cause your bearded dragon to be in immense pain. Furthermore, MBD can cause paralysis and even death. There are two reasons why grapes can cause MBD, which are mainly associated with a calcium deficiency.
  1. Oxalates. Oxalates are a type of acid that binds to calcium. Because bearded dragons need to feed on a calcium-rich diet, too many oxalates in the blood can cause a calcium deficiency by preventing your bearded dragon from absorbing calcium.
  2. Phosphorus. Bearded dragons should eat calcium-rich diets and foods with equal amounts of calcium and phosphorus on a regular basis. This is due to the fact that phosphorus, like oxalates, prevents calcium from being absorbed into the circulation. With a phosphorus-to-calcium ratio of 5:1, it’s clear why your bearded dragon should consume grapes in moderation.
  • Tooth Decay, Obesity, and Diabetes. Grapes are full of natural sugars, which are harmful to bearded dragons if they consume too much. When bearded dragons eat too much sugar, they can end up developing tooth decay, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and become obese. The worst-case of too much sugar in your bearded dragon’s diet is heart failure and even death.

While these side effects of feeding too many grapes to your bearded dragon are terrifying, remember that grapes are healthy for your bearded dragon as long as they are fed in moderation.

Is It Safe For Bearded Dragons To Eat Grape Leaves?

Grape leaves are a lot more healthy for your bearded dragon than the grapes themselves. Grapes leaves are full of calcium and protein while also being low in phosphorus. If you want to feed your bearded dragon grape leaves, be sure to wash them thoroughly. Then roll them up, chop them into bite-sized pieces, and place them into your bearded dragon’s food bowl.

How Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon Grapes?

While bearded dragons can eat grapes whole, it is recommended that you chop the grapes into smaller pieces to prevent your bearded dragon from choking. Chopping your grapes into small pieces can also help persuade your bearded dragon into eating their healthy veggies. It is common for younger bearded dragons to refuse to eat the vegetables that are healthy for them. Chopping up a grape or two into small pieces lets you sneak these tasty treats into a bowl of veggies. This will help persuade your bearded dragon to eat its bell peppers, kale, and sweet potatoes.

What Are Some Fruits That I Can Feed My Bearded Dragon?

Now that we have completely covered grapes let’s talk about some other fruits you can give your bearded dragon. All fruits, just like grapes, should be given to your bearded dragon in small amounts due to their high natural sugars and water content. Furthermore, if you plan on giving your bearded dragons one or two grapes for the week, you should not give your bearded dragon any other fruits. When using fruits to complement your bearded dragon’s diet, choose one fruit to give your bearded dragon for that week and only give them a small amount. Use them as treats, and do not feed your bearded dragon fruits with every meal.Here is a list of fruits that you can give your bearded dragon as treats:

  • Apples. Apples are a great choice of fruit to give your bearded dragon. They are one of the healthier choices of fruit to feed your bearded dragon. Apples contain helpful nutrients like Vitamins A and C while also containing carbohydrates, potassium, and iron.
  • Strawberries. Strawberries are an excellent alternative to grapes and are just as healthy. They have a lot of carbohydrates, calcium, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.
  • Blueberries. Blueberries can be fed to your bearded dragon and are healthy. However, it would be best to feed your bearded dragon blueberries less often than grapes and other fruits due to their high oxalate content. Blueberries do contain high levels of vitamin C and K, which are healthy for your bearded dragon.
  • Raspberries. Raspberries are another healthy alternative to grapes but should be fed less often than grapes. However, raspberries are packed with vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.
  • Bananas. Bananas, like grapes, can be fed to your bearded dragons. Bananas are very high in phosphorus and can only be fed in small amounts. You can avoid feeding your bearded dragon bananas to be on the safe side.

Here is a list of fruits that you should avoid feeding your bearded dragon:

  • Oranges. You should avoid feeding your bearded dragon oranges like all other citrus fruits due to their acidity. The acidity in citrus fruits can burn the inside of your bearded dragon’s mouth and damage their stomach lining as well as a variety of gastrointestinal issues.
  • Watermelon. While your bearded dragon can eat watermelon, it should be avoided. Watermelon has almost no nutritional value and has an insane amount of water in them, leading to overhydration.
  • Avocados. Avocados should be avoided as they are toxic for your bearded dragon. A small amount of avocado can make your bearded dragon very sick, and a large portion will be fatal.

Bearded Dragon Daily Diet

© Photo by Nutchanok Kanokwongtawee from PexelsA bearded dragon’s daily diet should consist of both vegetables and insects. Every meal for your bearded dragon should be made of 75 to 80% veggies and 25 to 20% insects. Vegetables will provide your bearded dragon with many nutrients and calories, while insects will make up for the missing nutrients that vegetables lack.Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and served to your bearded dragon raw and in bite-sized pieces. Here is a list of safe and healthy vegetables you should be feeding your bearded dragon daily.

  • Cabbage
  • Collard Greens
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Kale
  • Broccoli

Final Thoughts

Bearded dragons are not picky eaters and will eat just about anything you put in front of them. However, it is up to you to make sure they are eating healthy foods. For example, while grapes are healthy for bearded dragons, you should only feed them to your bearded dragon in moderation. Feeding your bearded dragon too many grapes can lead to serious health issues.

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