small pets for allergies

Best Small Pets For Someone Who Has Allergies

Allergies are not very fun, especially if you live in an area with a lot of pollen. However, on top […]

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small pets for allergies

Allergies are not very fun, especially if you live in an area with a lot of pollen. However, on top of the naturally occurring triggers, many animals are not the best to have around for people with allergies. For example, if you have a cat or dog, their fur has dander, which triggers allergies.

So, if you want a pet and do not care to have any of the symptoms that come with being allergic, then you are in the right place. So, what are the best small pets for someone who has allergies? Here is a quick list of what animals we will discuss below:


  • Rats
  • Hairless Cats
  • Gerbils
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Reptiles
  • Amphibians
  • Fish
  • Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
  • Hedgehogs
  • Birds


In this article, we will briefly review the animals mentioned above. Also, it is wise to continue reading as we have some tips on living with animals if you have allergies. This is important if you still choose to go with an animal that contains allergens. Without further ado, let us continue reading!


What Are The Best Small Pets To Have For Allergies?


Having an animal that does not contain allergens is essential for many reasons. The first reason is that allergens can spread fairly quickly, so sometimes, with the amount of cleaning you do, it might not be enough to get them out of your house. Another reason why getting a pet without allergens is a good idea is that you can get a severe allergic reaction. Some symptoms include a runny nose, rashes, frequent coughing, wheezing, etc.


1. Rats


The first thing to note is that rats are not considered hypoallergenic animals. However, they might be a better fit for those with allergies because rats are kept in a cage, meaning all of their dander will remain in one area. Plus, rats are relatively small and do not run away.

We recommend spending time with a rat before you invest in one yourself. That way, you can tell whether they will fit you well. Plus, you can see if you have an allergic reaction to them.

Lastly, rats are excellent pets for many reasons. Despite what many believe, rats are very clean animals, frequently grooming themselves. They are also very social, thrive in groups, and enjoy interacting with their owner. You should buy at least two rats so they do not get lonely, especially if you have to work a lot.

hairless cat

2. Hairless Cats


Hairless cats are also not hypoallergenic, but they are a much better option than cats with fur. This is because they lack fur, which will not get all over the house, including your nose, mouth, food, etc. However, it is important to note that hairless cats produce a protein called Fel d 1, which can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive people.

On the other hand, hairless cats, like the Sphynx, are well known for their lack of fur. These animals are highly affectionate, playful, and intelligent. They form deep bonds with their humans. On top of this, however, hairless cats can quickly get sunburnt and will need regular bathing due to the excess oils that get on their skin, which is something to keep in mind for their regular grooming needs.


3. Gerbils


Gerbils are great pets because they bring so much joy inside your home! These small animals are not fully hypoallergenic but produce less dander than other pets. Because of this reason, some people consider them hypoallergenic. However, gerbils can shed tiny skin flakes, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

If you have allergies, thoroughly clean your gerbils’ enclosure and surrounding areas to minimize allergen exposure. We also recommend spending extra time around gerbils to ensure you are not allergic to them.

Gerbil’s behavior is very social, and they thrive when paired in small groups. They enjoy burrowing and exploring and are very active and curious animals. If you decide to get a gerbil, you will have endless hours of entertainment from these tiny creatures!

guinea pig

4. Guinea Pigs


Guinea pigs are also not hypoallergenic for those with allergies because they produce dander, but they can be great for many people because they remain in one area, making it much easier for you to clean up.

If you wish to have a guinea pig, we highly recommend grooming it regularly, ensuring its area has good ventilation, and cleaning its cages regularly.

Guinea pigs have excellent personalities that will entertain you for hours! They love being vocal with their owners, especially when it is time to eat. On top of this, guinea pigs are very active and curious animals that are easy to train (especially if you potty train them), and they love to cuddle with their owners.


5. Reptiles


Moving on from some of the fur breeds we mentioned above, you can get reptiles, which are, in fact, hypoallergenic! Reptiles shed their skin, but it is improbable that they will cause an allergic reaction like other pets’ fur or skin will.

In addition, reptiles are very easy to own because they are very low maintenance, require less feeding and space, and do not need much grooming. Also, reptiles are tranquil animals, so if you do not care to have animals that get the zoomies at 3 a.m., consider getting a reptile.


6. Amphibians


Amphibians, which are turtles, frogs, axolotl, newts, etc., are all considered hypoallergenic because they do not produce dander and are typically kept in terrariums, which helps keep anything that may cause an allergic reaction in one spot. On the other hand, it may be possible for you to get an allergic reaction from the proteins their skin makes or inhaling a lot near them.


7. Fish


Fish are also considered hypoallergenic pets as they do not shed fur or produce dander. On the other hand, some people can be allergic to the fish they eat, but since we are talking about pet fish, it should not become an issue for you.

Fish are very calm and relaxing creatures that can last a relatively long time when taken care of right. For example, a goldfish’s average lifespan is 10 to 15 years, but some can live much longer. So, it is essential to ensure each fish has the proper care it needs.

bichon frise

8. Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds


Many dogs are considered hypoallergenic. These animals do not shed nearly as much as other dog breeds, so investing in some of them would be wise to get a dog. Here is a small list of some dogs to get:


  • Bichon Frise
  • Afghan House
  • Havanese
  • Shih Tzu
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Bolognese
  • Basenji


9. Hedgehogs


Hedgehogs are excellent animals because they do not produce a lot of dander. On top of this, a hedgehog has quills, which means they do not contain a lot of fur.

Nevertheless, it is essential to note that although hedgehogs are considered hypoallergenic, they can still potentially cause some allergic reactions, as no pet is 100% hypoallergenic. These allergic reactions might be from saliva, dander, or urine. If you get small pricks from their quills that might have been contaminated with an allergen.

love bird

10. Birds


Several birds are considered hypoallergenic, like the following:


  • Love birds
  • Parrotlets
  • Parakeets
  • Pionus parrots
  • Eclectus


It is important to minimize any dander, like when they shed their feathers (or molt), by keeping your bird’s cage maintained adequately and well-ventilated. It is also essential to clean the surrounding areas often so that there is no dust in said location that becomes too much on your body.


Can You Live With A Pet If You Are Allergic?


Yes, you can most certainly live with a pet if you are allergic to them, but you will need to manage your allergies, which we will go over below.


1. Regularly Vacuum


Vacuuming is an essential part of maintaining your household if you have allergies. For example, when you own a cat or dog, you will find many tiny balls of fur everywhere. If this is the case for you, we recommend vacuuming a few times a week to ensure nothing gets stuck in a specific spot.


2. Invest In An Air Purifier For Your Home


It is a known fact that pollen, dust, dander, and even dirt will get in the air if you have animals. In this case, we recommend investing in an air purifier. Air purifiers pull the nasty air inside the filter and let out clean, fresh air.

We recommend investing in a large enough air purifier to fit your room. Also, if your animals sleep with you in bed, we recommend getting one for your bedroom. However, consider keeping your animals out of your room to lessen the chances of that happening.


3. Invest In A Dehumidifier


Dehumidifiers do exactly what they say: dehumidify the room. This will significantly reduce allergens like mold, mites, dust, etc., that may be thriving in several different locations. This is an essential factor to invest in for those who have airborne irritants.


4. Keep Animals Off Of Your Bed (But Give Them A Specific Spot To Lay)


Suppose you want to let your animal in your room in the evening. In that case, it is wise to keep your animals off the bed and provide them with a place to sleep. Dogs, in particular, will understand where their sleeping spot is and will eventually learn not to get on the bed.


5. Cleanliness Is Key For Both You And Your Animals


It is important to clean your home regularly. Wipe down the counters, spray or vacuum couches, sweep, mop, dust specific areas, etc. Not only will your home look fresh, but it will also smell the part!


How Can You Get Tested For Allergies To Know What Triggers Them?


You can get tested for allergies in many ways to know what triggers them. Here are some examples of what you can do below:


1. Patch Tests


The patch test is done by applying diluted allergens to the skin for roughly 48 hours. It is then read at 96 hours to see what type of reaction you have. There may be red or raised skin if there is a reaction to said allergen. These patch tests are normally done on the back for your convenience.


2. Skin Pricks


A skin prick test is also a relatively easy way to determine whether you are allergic to something. Typically, a healthcare provider will place small drops of the potential allergen on your skin, usually the back or forearm, and then lightly prick the skin through each drop with a fine needle. If red bumps appear at the prick site, you are allergic to something specific. This reaction time typically takes 15 to 20 minutes.


3. IgE Blood Test


An IgE blood test measures the amount of IgE antibodies in your bloodstream to see if you have an allergy. The amount of IgE antibodies are proteins that your immune system produces to protect your body from allergens.

This test is done by a professional healthcare provider, which takes a blood sample from a vein in your arms. The test is typically done within five minutes, and results are available within a few business days after labs receive your blood sample.


4. Intradermal Testing


Intradermal testing is done by a healthcare provider injecting a small amount of allergen directly under the skin. Typically, a reaction will occur if raised bumps appear, which allows you and your healthcare provider to know that you are allergic to something specific. This test is normally finished within 15 to 20 minutes.




To summarize everything, you can get many small animals if you have allergies. However, it is imperative to remember that you will need to take care of yourself, your pet (by grooming regularly), and the surrounding areas they live in to ensure little affect on your body. Overall, it is essential not to make rash decisions about you and what your body tells you.

If you have any more questions about the small animals we mentioned above, we recommend reading our other articles and checking us out! We wish you the best in finding the right animal for you.

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