What Are the Best Small Pets for Apartments?

Animals can make an already remarkable life better by adding constant companionship and allowing a person a sense of relief […]

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Animals can make an already remarkable life better by adding constant companionship and allowing a person a sense of relief when they get home or immediately when they wake up. Still, unfortunately, not all pets are created equally in size.

In that case, you might not be allowed to have a giant mastiff in your new apartment. However, fear not, as many different friends are available to you. You can find a friend that fits your needs, be they fluffy, feathered, or fishy.

As you might have guessed, some apartments have a size regulation imposed upon renters to keep their animal pals from burdening their neighbors. Not all pets on this list may be allowed in your apartment complex specifically, so check with your management to see if the pet you are interested in is allowed before getting your new friend!

Still, the best small pets to have in your apartment are as follows:


  • Cats
  • Small dogs
  • Birds
  • Hamsters
  • Rabbits
  • Ferrets
  • Fish
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Turtles
  • Hermit crabs


This article discusses these particular animals more in-depth. We have some frequently asked questions that you might need the answers to. Continue reading for more information.


11 Best Small Pests to Have in Your Apartment


Getting the perfect animal can be challenging, especially one that suits your needs. For example, if you need a low-maintenance animal, consider that before getting an animal that needs a lot of attention. However, if you want a companion that can love you, view it from that perspective. We have each animal listed down below.


1. Cats


Cats are one of the most popular apartment pets because they are both adorable and small enough that you can have several of them. Not only that, but cats do not innately require extreme care to satisfy them.

This particular perk makes cats ideal for people who are a little more busy and out of the house more often than they would like. With cats utilizing a litter box and things like automatic feeders, taking care of them is easy. You can reap all the benefits of having one with a nice, cuddly friend at the end of the day.


2. Small Dogs


Plenty of small dog breeds like pugs, dachshunds, and the chihuahua would make great apartment pets due to their size. Still, the dog’s temperament should also be considered when picking a breed suitable for your new apartment.

This is because some breeds can be very vocal about their surroundings, becoming a nuisance to neighbors and getting you into severe trouble. However, their behavior can be trained, but dogs also require walking routinely for good health, so bear this in mind if you are not home often.


3. Birds


Little feathered friends can come in different colors and sizes, but most are ideally suited to living an apartment life. Some birds even thrive in apartments due to the extra care and love they would get because of the smaller space.

On the other hand, birds need to maintain strict diets and be allowed to stretch their wings for exercise, which might call for you to get screened in the door to your balcony or be highly vigilant about when doors are open to avoid letting your bird out.

In that case, keep this in mind before getting one. However, having a bird might be just the animal you need to keep yourself (and your bird) entertained for hours to come!


4. Hamsters


Hamsters, like birds, have a diet that requires a delicate balance between traditional food and treats. These tiny creatures require small toys allowing them to get the necessary amount of exercise and can nibble on things to keep their teeth’s size in check.

A healthy hamster would also get a lot of use out of things that allow them to get out of their cages regularly, like hamster balls or small playpens, to grant the hamster a better quality of life and you ample opportunity to play with it regularly.


5. Rabbits


These hoppy little animals need a consistent supply of fresh drinking water like most animals, but their diet should mainly be composed of hay and grass to keep them bouncing with energy.

Occasionally you will need to swap this up with some fresh leafy greens or dietary pellets to ensure they get the nutrition they need to regulate their digestive system. Also, rabbits also need room to roam around, so investing in a playpen for them (or letting them roam your house) would be something you should be open to before getting one.


6. Ferrets


As one of few elongated furry tube-shaped animals on the list, ferrets take the cake on extra needs to thrive in apartment life.

While you can have them happy and satisfied by simply roaming around your house with well-hidden beds, ferrets would benefit from custom-built or purchased cages that include waterproof designs and a dark, secluded place to retreat and sleep comfortably.

Ferrets also emit a unique smell, so those with sensitive noses and allergies may want to look for other pet options. Not only this, but you might find yourself constantly trying to get the smell away. However, these furry friends are great to have in your home!


7. Fish


Aquatic pets like fish are some of the most exotic and relaxing pets you can get. For example, fish are well-known for their beautiful colors, and you can create unique environments with whatever decorations or natural aquatic plants you wish, especially if those types of fish love said plant.

Fish have many cosmetic options allowing you to express yourself and keep your bubbly friend happy for years. Not only that, but fish are very low maintenance, excluding the mandatory tank cleaning, making them an excellent choice for people who live life on the go.

Your more basic fish species, like the Beta and Goldfish, are easy to keep up with. Still, the more exotic breeds will require water monitoring and temperature regulation, while some may even need certain pH levels to ensure they are healthy.


8. Mice


Mice are an excellent choice because they are tiny little mammals that are not only fascinating to watch, but they can learn to love attention and do various entertaining tricks. Overall, they are great companions in your home and do well with busy work schedules, assuming you always give them some love and attention when you get home.


9. Rats


Mice and rats share many similarities, including a diet consisting of grain, fruits and seeds. On average, rats are larger than mice and more energetic, with less preference for what they will eat.

If rats are left to their own devices, some will roam into your pantry and get into things if left unattended, so keep an eye on your beady-eyed friend if you want to avoid any unexpected openings in your packages.


10. Turtles


Living in the fast lane isn’t for turtles, who like it that way. Turtles are an animal that is omnivores or carnivores, depending on the species. These creatures have quite a bit of flexibility in their diets.

Still, it is imperative to research your turtle’s breed before settling on any specific diet to ensure your animal gets the nutrition it needs. Turtles also require large tanks to roam around and lounge happily with a UVB light to give them ample ways to maintain their body temperature.


11. Hermit Crabs


These neat little shelled creatures are great pets with extremely low needs to keep them comfortable and happy.

Hermit crabs have a growing lifestyle that can be fascinating to watch over the years, especially when they seek new shells to grow into. You can even add some level of customization to the shells, mainly if they accept said shell you made for them.

The crabs eat brine shrimp, fish flakes, small fish and even some vegetables to meet their diet needs.


What Is the Easiest Pet to Take Care Of?


The easiest pet to care for would be cats or hermit crabs. Neither of these animals needs to exercise regularly, especially after they have been fed. You can make do with purchasing toys they can utilize at their leisure. Cats mainly require cat litter cleanings, fresh water, and to be fed.


What Is a Small Low Maintenance Pet?


Fish are relatively low maintenance if you consider how rarely you need to clean and feed their fish tank. However, cleaning the fish tank itself can be quite a chore. In that case, cats might make the optimal choice here.


What Small Pets Live for a Long Time?


Hermit crabs that have been properly cared for can live up to 15 years. Other small pets that live long are cats, which average 12 to 18 years.

However, if you want a pet that can live a long time, certain turtle species can live up to 25 years. For example, the red-eared slider hits 25-35 years, and the wood turtle lives for up to 40-55 years!


Final Words


Take some time to diligently research the small pet that would not only make the right addition to your home and family but also fit your routine and adhere to the rules of your apartment regarding pets in general. Nothing is worse than getting your heart set on a lovely little critter to find out your apartment will not allow you to bring your forever friend home.

However, we hope you know what you would like now! We wish you the best of luck in everything, and if you need help with small animals, we encourage you to check out our other articles.

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