As parents, we might decide to get a pet for our children. Some first-time animal owners may be discussing what the best options may be. For example, most people may consider getting a cat, dog, lizard, or goldfish. However, consider getting a low-maintenance animal, such as a bird, for our children. Still, what is the best pet bird for kids, and what types are there? Let’s find out.
There are many bird species, but only a few will be great for your children. These animals include;
- Cockatiel
- Budgerigar
- Finch
- Lovebird
- Parakeet
- Cockatoo
- Parrotlet Parrotlets
- Canary Canaries
- Columbidae
In this article, we will discuss how big each bird gets along with their appearance. Afterward, we will discuss some frequently asked questions like if pet birds are suitable for children and what the best small bird is for handling.
These things are essential to know because you would not want an animal who may attempt to bite your children or, worse, attack them. In this case, we encourage you to continue reading for more information.

What Are the Best Pet Birds for Kids?
The best pet birds for your children are the ones that are the tamest and easiest to handle. However, having a pet, regardless of their animal species, teaches your child responsibility and helps them learn to be gentle with said animals. Supervising your children with each visit is also wise so they can be adequately taught how to handle such delicate creatures.
1. Cockatiel
The cockatiel is a medium-sized parrot growing to sizes of 12 to 13 inches, with a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. The cockatiel is a gray-bodied bird with a yellow head and two orange patches on the cheeks. It also has a distinctive crest that it uses to express emotions. A cockatiel has long tail features that make up half their total length.
On top of that, you will need to feed your cockatiel a mixture of 25% seeds with 75% pellets. They enjoy a wide variety of food, like pelleted food, vegetables, fruit, and commercial birdseed.
Cleaning up after these birds is not a challenging task as long as their poop is not left sitting for extended periods. With such a long lifespan, these birds will grow with your child and become lifelong friends. Children might also enjoy this bird’s ability to speak.
2. Budgerigar
The budgerigar, or the common parakeet, is a smaller bird species normally growing to 5 to 11 inches in size. Budgerigars have been bred to have a wide variety of colors. These birds have an average lifespan of 5 to 7 years, but lifespans can extend to 15 years.
A budgerigar’s diet is much more strict. A nutritionally suitable diet for budgerigars is pelleted food formulated for small birds. Pellets should represent approximately 60-80% of your bird’s diet. Fruits, vegetables, and greens should account for almost 20-25% of the daily diet.
If you adopt a budgerigar, it is a massive commitment to both yourself and your children. When one is newly adopted, it will take them a while to get used to their new owner, so lots of patience must be had. However, budgerigars are social animals and require a lot of stimulation. That being said, you will need a lot of different toys, lots of human interaction or consider getting a few budgerigars to ensure they do not get lonely.
3. Finch
Finches are a small breed of birds normally growing to about 3 to 10 inches in size. Finches are another species of birds bred into various color schemes. These birds usually have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years old.
If a finch goes without food for 24 hours, it can become ill due to its extremely high metabolism. At least 50% of its dietary requirements need to be from fresh food and protein supplements whereas the other 50% should be made up of seeds.
These birds are very social and should be kept in pairs of small groups. However, they are low maintenance. If you are to mix varieties of finches, care much be taken as not all breeds get along together. In that case, do your research to ensure you know exactly which breeds will not fight with each other.
4. Lovebird
Lovebirds are a small parrot species growing up to 13 to 17 inches in size. Lovebirds have an average lifespan of 10 to 20 years old. This bird species has been bred into different color schemes, as have others listed here, but they most commonly come with a green body with colors changing to yellow and orange at the head.
We recommend that you try to mimic a diet similar to that of a non-domesticated lovebird with things like fruits, grains, seeds, and vegetables, although you can also give them pelleted food. It’s good to give them raw food three to four times a week: apples, broccoli, cabbages, and carrots.
This specific bird species enjoys bathing, so it is recommended that you give them fresh water and food daily. Lovebirds are best kept as pairs since they require much attention and affection. Keeping single lovebirds is also okay, as is interacting with their caretakers for at least a few hours daily.
5. Parakeet
A parakeet grows anywhere between 9 to 10 inches long. They are one of many small to medium-sized parrot species. Plain parakeets generally have a vibrant green color with an orangish beak. The plain parakeet has an average lifespan of 15 years.
Parakeets love broccoli florets, dark leafy greens, finely chopped carrots, sweet potatoes, and other veggies. Treat your bird like a small child; offer many food items daily, and never stop trying. Make sure to provide fresh, clean water at all times.
Regarding socialization, parakeets tend to bond closely with their owners and are social animals. However, these birds are known to get sick and may require medical attention.
6. Cockatoo
The white cockatoo, or umbrella cockatoo, is a medium-sized all-white cockatoo reaching up to 18 inches long. Cockatoos are usually solid white with bright yellow feathers on their heads. A cockatoo’s average lifespan is anywhere between 70 to 80 years if it is well cared for. Because of this, your child may have a lifelong friend!
Your cockatoo can eat fruit, cooked root veggies, raw veggies, seeds, eggs and egg shells, turnips and sweet potatoes. However, they will still need pellets in their diet as well.
Cockatoos are brilliant birds and are in constant need of stimulation. They’re active and need companionship. They are suitable pets for families with adult children. Their nature and strong bite make them inappropriate for families with young children.
7. Parrotlet
Parrotlets are a small parrot species growing only 4 to 5 inches in size. They have a lifespan of 20 to 40 years if cared for properly. Parrotlets are commonly a solid green bird with a blue feather on the wings and blue coloring around the eyes.
The parrotlet diet is similar to a parakeet, lovebird, or cockatiel. Their diet consists of the following:
- 30-50% fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains
- 25-45% pellets
- 15-25% low-fat seed mix
Parrotlets are rather small but extremely intelligent creatures. Because of this, these creatures need plenty of room and lots of toys to play with. Parrotlets are excellent birds for families with children because they are active but not overly loud or squawky. In that case, you can keep them in apartments or homes with noise-sensitive neighbors.
8. Canary
Canaries are small songbirds that typically grow to 4 to 8 inches in size. These birds normally have a lifespan of 9 to 10 years. However, individual pet canaries can live up to 15 years. Common canaries are a solid, vibrant yellow with an orange beak that compliments their beautiful color.
A canary’s diet should consist of a high-quality canary seed or pellets, making up about 70% of your canary’s intake. The remainder should consist of fresh vegetables, greens and some fruits. Canaries are excellent first pets for children and do not require special care. However, due to their size and highly developed hearing, care must be taken when approaching and holding them.
Canaries are happy alone in a cage, but be aware that they are more likely to sing while alone. These little birds are very tidy, making them very good low-maintenance pets, although they do sing quite loudly and often.
9. Columbidae
Columbidae is a bird family consisting of doves and pigeons. These birds generally have a short life span, but when domesticated and adequately cared for, they can live up to 15 years.
These birds are the biggest on the list, growing to sizes between 6 to 30 inches. The Columbidae have less vibrant colors and are gray, white, brown and black. They also have patterns at times, which adds another reason they’re so cute.
Regarding diet, the Columbidae eats a lot of whole seeds like milo, wheat, canary grass, and millet. Not only that, but these creatures occassionally eat worms, lizards, insects, flowers, buds, and other such foods. They need to drink a lot of water, so provinding them with fresh water daily is ideal.
The Columbidae can live peacefully among other animal species like cats and dogs as long as they are kept safe. On top of this, this species will be a good match for older children who understand boundaries and can be calm and gentle. However, doves need companionship and they are best paired up with another dove.

What Is the Easiest Bird to Take Care of for a Kid?
The budgerigars are the easiest birds to take care of for families with children. They are small, quiet, friendly and easy to care for. These creatures are also more affordable than other pet birds. Not only this, but the budgerigars can learn to talk, making them more enjoyable. Due to their small size, budgerigars only need a small cage. You can also entertain them with toys, making them great companions.
Are Bird Pets Good for Kids?
Yes, birds generally are perfect for children due to their intelligence, personalities, and general temperament. Depending on the breed of bird you select, your experience will vary.
For example, finches and canaries serve as great pets for younger children. Even if the child is too young to handle the bird, they provide soothing music through their soft chirps. These birds are more suitable for watching.
Another example is cockatiels, which make great pets. Cockatiels can talk, whistle, and even do tricks. These birds love to interact with people, meaning older children can entertain and be entertained by them.
What Is the Best Small Bird for Handling?
Lovebirds are the best for handling because they require constant attention. Once a lovebird is comfortable around you, their need for attention means they’ll enjoy being handled. These birds also become attached and grow strong bonds with their families, so it is essential never to separate them.
What Is the Most High-Maintenance Bird?
Parakeets must be the most high-maintenance bird listed, as they require you to “treat your bird like a small child.” These tiny birds also require you to keep resupplying water and are known to get sick, which will require medical attention quickly.
Many birds make fantastic pets for children of all ages. Each bird comes in various sizes depending on the species, but birds will entertain your little one with their mesmerizing songs and chirps.
If you have younger children, supervision is necessary, whereas older children who are more responsible may have more freedom. Still, we hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any more questions, please check out our other articles.