Are Schnoodles Hypoallergenic?

Schnoodles are an incredibly lovable breed- the crossbreed between a Poodle and a Schnauzer leading to soft and fluffy (or […]

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Schnoodles are an incredibly lovable breed- the crossbreed between a Poodle and a Schnauzer leading to soft and fluffy (or wavy) fur and a friendly personality to match. While they rub off on most people very well, it is understandable to question if this is a good thing for allergy sufferers.

While no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, Schnoodles carry two of the main traits to be considered great for allergy sufferers: this breed has little shedding and minimal dander from its hair-like coat. Consistent grooming can help to prevent even the little shedding that occurs seasonally.

While not everyone who suffers from allergies to dander and dog fur comes with the same level of a reaction, it is still easy to identify which breeds of dogs will do better in families of allergy sufferers. Since both breeds that the Schnoodle was bred from have little shedding, this pattern follows suit, and the breed is beloved in the home of many people who can only tolerate hypoallergenic pets. Let’s take a closer look.

What Does it Mean for a Dog to be Hypoallergenic?

If you are allergic to the dander and fur that comes from many dogs, then you are no stranger as to what to look for in a hypoallergenic pet. However, if this is your first time owning a pet (or doing some research before bringing a pet into your family), and are looking for a pet that will not disturb one member of your family’s allergies, then a Schnoodle is a great option to choose because of the hypoallergenic qualities that it possesses.

As stated above, no dog is entirely hypoallergenic, but you can find dogs that range from highly hypoallergenic to not hypoallergenic. If a dog is considered to be hypoallergenic, this means that it produces minimal dander (skin cells) and has low shedding, since this is where the allergens are produced.

Consequently, if you find a dog that has high levels of shedding and produces a hefty amount of dander, then it is safe to assume that this dog is not hypoallergenic. If someone who suffered from allergies was to encounter this pet, they could experience a wide range of allergy symptoms- even without touching the pet since its fur or dander could be in the air.

On the other side of things, if a dog, like a Schnoodle, has a hair-like coat (different in its texture from fur) and produces very little dander, then those who suffer from mild to extreme allergies can typically tolerate being around and even petting and cuddling with this breed of dog.

Obviously, if you have extreme allergies or are concerned about bringing a dog into your home because of the severity of your allergies, it is best to spend time with the dog that you plan to bring home before you move the dog and find out that it is not a good fit after the fact. In this case, both you and your pet would be disappointed, so it is best to address this beforehand.

Do Schnoodles Shed a Lot?

Now that you understand a little bit more about what it means for a dog to be hypoallergenic, we can return to the original question concerning Schnoodles being hypoallergenic. Since one of the two main components that would answer this question has to do with how much this breed of dogs sheds (and the other component has to do with how much dander it produces), it is reasonable to explore how much the Schnoodle sheds next to determine how hypoallergenic it really is (and how it could affect you if you are someone who suffers from allergies).

Schnoodles are a mix between two breeds (the Poodle and Schnauzer) that shed minimally and follow suit from their genetic origins. While they do shed seasonally (at the start of summer and winter), the amount is minimal and is not known to pile- even when brushed at the peak of shedding season. 

This means that you could take a grooming brush to your Schnoodle and may get out a few pieces of their hair-like coat, yet you would not likely see a large clump or bulk of hair come out as you would with many other breeds of dogs.

©Watcharin Panyawutso / iStock

Still, it is important to note that the seasonal shedding pattern- taking place with the changing of the seasons when they shed their thicker winter coat for the summer (and shed their thinner summer coat in preparation for their winter coat coming in)- can still affect those who experience more extreme allergies.

While most allergy sufferers will not be affected by the minimal amount of shedding that a Schnoodle produces, this is not always the case for those people who experience extreme irritation from even a minimal amount of shedding. So, if this is you, it is important to spend time with a particular pet before bringing it into your home.

You can also attempt to prevent hair buildup through consistent grooming practices. Some people find that their Schnoodles that have tighter curls (coming from their poodle genes) compared with wavy hair (coming from the Schnauzer genes) tend to experience a bit more buildup of loose and dead hair that is shed during the respective shedding seasons.

What happens here is not that your Schnoodle is necessarily shedding more fur than another Schnoodle would, but that its tight curls have “held onto” the other pieces of hair that have died. In essence, these pieces of hair would have likely fallen away naturally on a dog with wavy, thinner hair. But, on a dog that has thicker hair, sometimes the base of this thickness can trap stray hair, and it is also more prone to matting.

Consequently, regular grooming and brushing can help to move back the live hair and to catch any dead hair that is caught within your Schnoodle’s coat. Even further, consistent grooming practices are good for your dog’s health, anyway, as you complete a brief physical examination of your pet each time you brush his or her coat completely.

Do Schnoodles Produce a Lot of Dander?

Since we have talked about how much Schnoodles shed (which is minimal), we should address how much dander they produce, since this is the other main component contributing to their hypoallergenic status.

With that said, Schnoodles produce a minimal amount of dander, often unnoticeable and able to be maintained with consistent grooming practices. Allergy sufferers are not often affected by the allergens found in dander when spending much time with this breed of dog.

Dander is the small (sometimes microscopic and invisible to the naked eye) pieces of dead skin that rest on top of your dog’s fur coat. When you pet a dog, the oil on your skin might cause you to pick up any dander that is sitting on your dog’s fur coat. Consequently, people who suffer from allergies to dog’s dander cannot pet a dog because of this reasoning. Fortunately, since the Schnoodle does not produce much dander, it is considered to be about as hypoallergenic as it comes- especially for this size of dog.

Are Schnoodles Good Indoor Dogs?

Now that we have clarified the main categories that classify the Schnoodle as hypoallergenic (low levels of shedding and dander), you might be curious about bringing this dog into your home. If you are an allergy sufferer and are now recognizing that you might, at long last, be able to bring a pet indoors, logically, you would need to know if Schnoodles are good indoor dogs in the first place.

Due to their high level of companionship and breeding history, Schnoodles are great indoor dogs that seek out human companions through cuddles, play, and loyal side-by-side trekking throughout your home. Being easy to train also makes Schnoodles great indoor dogs.

Truly, there are so many components that go into if a certain breed of dog is well-suited for the indoors. However, the Schnoodle hits the mark on many areas when it comes to living inside your family’s dwelling place.

First of all, you will not have to worry about this breed shedding and leaving its coat behind on your timeless pieces of furniture. Since this is a low-shedding (and minimal dander-producing) breed of dog, the Schnoodle is not one to make a mess of itself in your home.

Another reason it does great indoors is because of its high level of intelligence. This trait– coming from two intelligent breeds– makes the Schnoodle easy to train including various types of obedience and tricks as well as potty training. Knowing that you will not have to spend long house training your Schnoodle can leave you relieved in planning on keeping this dog indoors.

Finally, while there are many other reasons that the Schnoodle will do well indoors, it is incredibly important to consider that this is where the Schnoodle belongs and does best. You will find that your Schnoodle’s physical and mental health will both benefit greatly from consistent companionship, lots of playtime, and plenty of affection- all of which are more easily found when your (hypoallergenic) dog is indoors.

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