
Are Havachons Hypoallergenic?

Having allergies suck, plain and simple. It’s even worse if you are an avid lover of animals, but their hair […]

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Having allergies suck, plain and simple. It’s even worse if you are an avid lover of animals, but their hair and dander make you sneeze, and your sinuses flare up. 

Thankfully, if you suffer from allergies but still want a fluffy companion, you can look for hypoallergenic breeds. Many hypoallergenic dog breeds like the Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, and the Schnauzer exist. That’s all good, but you might have your eye on a specific breed like a Havachon. So, are they hypoallergenic?

Yes, Havachons are hypoallergenic dogs because they tend to have minimal shedding. Havachons also shed small amounts of dander, which solidifies them as a hypoallergenic breed. However, being hypoallergenic is not their only trait! 

These animals are gorgeous little teddy bears that are filled with love. They are energetic when you are in the mood to play, but their favorite pastime is lounging around the house with their owner by their side.

Havachons are a loving breed that works great with kids of all ages. They are an excellent choice for first-time owners because they are intelligent and eager to please, making training a breeze.

As you continue to read this article, we will cover what hypoallergenic means and what traits a breed needs to have to be hypoallergenic. We will also provide a list of features that make Havachons so desirable. Finally, we will cover grooming habits you should use to reduce the likelihood of your allergies flaring up because of your Havachon.


What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?


When something is hypoallergenic, it contains or produces a few allergy-causing substances known as allergens. For example, hypoallergenic dogs are known to shed small amounts of hair and dander, which are allergens that can cause an allergic reaction.

There’s a common misconception when it comes to hypoallergenic dog breeds. Most people who hear about hypoallergenic dogs assume that they are 100% safe around people with allergies, but this is not the case. There is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog.

Even hairless and primarily hairless dogs like the Chinese Crested, American Hairless Terrier, and the Xoloitzcuintli still shed dander or have tiny hairs that also shed. So, even though these dogs are hairless and hypoallergenic, there is still a chance that you can have an allergic reaction.

Even with proper grooming habits that can further reduce the number of dog allergens in the air, you are never 100% safe from having an allergic reaction. However, the good news is that because hypoallergenic breeds shed small amounts of hair and dander, your allergic reactions will be minimal.


What Are Havachons?


Havachons are a mixed breed that combines the traits of a Havanese and a Bichon Frise. These parent breeds are from the same family called Barbichon and are similar. Both the Havanese and Bichon Frise are hypoallergenic, meaning that Havachon puppies are guaranteed to be hypoallergenic.

The Havanese and Bichon Frise are dogs with a lot in common regarding their traits. For example, both breeds are known worldwide for being lap dogs that love nothing more than spending time with their owners.

These dogs have a reputation for their loving behavior, known for centuries. This reputation was bolstered by European royalty as prominent figures like Queen Victoria and King Henry III owned dogs from both breeds.



What Are Havachon Traits?


Havachons are small dogs that can grow up to 15 inches in height, which makes them a toy breed. They sport a dense coat, which helps contribute to their hypoallergenic trait by keeping the shedding in their fur. However, due to their thick coat, they require a bit more maintenance than other hypoallergenic breeds.

The Havachon breed will have wavy or curly coats that can come in stunning colors and patterns. They have small round eyes, almost always brown, and a dark black nose at the tip of their snout.

Havachons are known for being lap dogs, but this does not mean they are lazy. On the contrary, Havachons can be pretty energetic and love to play with their owners. They are also very calm animals that are adaptable to their environment. This trait makes them fantastic for families with children and other pets.

Havachons are intelligent dogs that are eager to please their owners. With a few treats and tons of praise, they quickly pick up on commands. For example, training a Havachon puppy to sit will only take a day or two as long as you have treats, making them a fantastic breed for first-time owners.

Finally, Havachons are excellent watchdogs and quick to bark if they sense something is off. While not great guard dogs, they are known to go and fetch their larger canine siblings if they sense danger.


Are Havachons Good Dogs for People With Allergies?


Having pet allergies when you are an avid pet lover can be challenging. However, there are tons of dog and cat breeds that you can own so you can have that furry companion that you have always wanted with minimal allergic reactions.

For example, Havachons are a fantastic breed for people who suffer minor allergic reactions to dogs. This means the allergic reactions you experience will be few and can be few and far between.


How Should You Groom a Havachon?


Grooming a hypoallergenic breed like the Havachon is an excellent way further to reduce shedding and the potential for an allergic reaction.
There are tons of dog brushes for you to choose from, but due to the thick coat Havachons have, we recommend using a sticker brush because they can pull shedding hair out of the overcoat and undercoat simultaneously. Also, sticker brushes are the most common type of de-shedding brush and the cheapest.

For grooming your Havachon, we recommend brushing them two or three times a week to help reduce the likelihood of you suffering an allergic reaction. You can get away with brushing them once a week if your allergies flare up too much when you brush them.

However, Havachons have a seasonal shedding process where they will start a mass shedding after winter to eliminate excess hair in their undercoat. During this time, your allergies will be the worst, but brushing them twice or thrice a week will remove the vast amount of your winter coat before the massive shedding season.

Due to their thick coat, you might also need a de-matting brush to help your Havachon eliminate tangles in their fur. Havachons who spend much time playing outside must be brushed with a de-matter once a week.

Another way to help prevent your Havachon from shedding as much as possible is by giving them regular baths. In this case, the best shampoo is a de-shedding shampoo packed with moisturizers and omega-fatty acids. These ingredients will help hydrate your dog’s skin and hair follicles, making them more robust and less prone to damage and, thus, shedding.

Finally, giving your Havachon a haircut also helps with shedding. It’s best to take your dog to a professional groomer once every two to three months, but this can be expensive. Instead, you can give your Havachon a haircut yourself, but be very careful because it’s easy to hurt your dog with scissors or clippers.



Havachon Health Risks You Should Know About


Most mixed-breed dogs are considered to be healthier than pure breeds. This is because mixed breeds have genes from two or more pure species, which can help fight off and prevent certain diseases.

However, this is not always the case because mixed breeds are susceptible to genetic disorders. Here are some of the crucial health risks a Havachon can suffer from:


Major Concerns


1. Mitral Valve Dysplasia


It’s a backflow of blood caused by a malformed mitral valve. Symptoms vary depending on the severity but can cause heart murmurs, weakness, dyspnea, gagging, coughing, and congestive heart failure.


2. Heart Murmurs


It’s a vibration or sound that originates from the heart and is associated with significant blood vessels. The sounds from a heart murmur are easy to hear and have a whooshing or rumble sound. 

Heart murmurs are common in humans and animals and, most of the time, are not threatening. However, heart murmurs can lead to other significant health risks in severe cases.


3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy


PRA is a genetic condition that affects the rod cells in the eyes. PRA almost always affects both eyes and has a prolonged and gradual effect on your dog’s vision. 

PRA starts by weakening your dog’s night vision and gradually progresses as your dog ages, eventually affecting how your dog sees during the day and eventually leading to total blindness.


4. Portosystemic Shunt


It’s a liver disease that affects the blood vessels surrounding the liver, making them not connect to the liver properly, thus not allowing toxic elements in your dog’s blood to flow to the liver for detoxification.


Minor Concerns


1. Cataracts


Results from the eyes failing to maintain hydration to the lens. Clouding of the eyes causes partial or complete vision loss and may occur in one or both eyes. If untreated, it can lead to ocular inflammation, glaucoma, or permanent blindness in the affected eyes.


2. Bladder Stones


It results from crystals forming in the urine and is caused by high salt concentration and lack of favorable pH levels. Bladder stones can get stuck in the urethra and cause immense pain when your dog urinates. If this occurs, take your pet to the vet quickly, which can cause life-threatening side effects if left untreated.


3. Patellar Luxation


A common disorder in which the kneecap is dislocated or displaced from the knee joint. Most often occur at birth and are hard to diagnose until the puppy is around six weeks old. Patellarluxation can also arise from injuries and may cause your pet to refuse to exercise, run, or jump. A simple surgery can fix this issue.


4. Leg & Calves Perthes Disease


It’s often seen in miniature and toy breeds and is a hip joint disorder in a dog’s hind legs. This condition mainly occurs in one leg rather than both, and your dog will favor one leg when standing or sitting, but it can lead to limping and muscle atrophy.


How Long Do Havachons Live For?


Havachons are bred from Havanese and Bichon Frise, which are both known to be long-living dogs. The oldest Havanese on record was 18 years old, while the oldest Bichon Frise was 21. This is a sign that Havachons are likely to live long and happy lives and can live to be 15 years old on average. But don’t be surprised if your Havachon sticks around to be a few years older!


Final Thoughts


If you suffer from dog allergies but find yourself a dog lover and want to own a fluffy buddy, look no further. Havachons are a fantastic hypoallergenic breed that is loving, intelligent, and playful. 

They add to nearly any family and work great with kids and other pets. As long as a Havachon gets to spend time with you and your family, it will be as happy as possible.

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